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The planning has commenced....

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    The planning has commenced....

    My SO and I have been waiting and waiting to hear something about the status of his passport... He originally filed it in October/November, but between the French and US administrations - it's taken a very looong time without word of the status (on my end at least).

    He just got word that his 'card' is completed, and his passport should be completed shortly (I don't remember the details..). It was finally a sign that a visit would really happen! We were both just excited that it was a step forward. He was talking about coming around May or June, as we'll both have free time then.

    As excited as I am, I couldn't help the thought form of 'Wait? 3 months? GOOD! It'll give me a chance to get back in shape!'.

    Pathetic, I know, but there's only so much of you that webcam can reveal. In person is a completely different surreal 3-D version... I use to be fairly athletic, but have packed on some unwanted poundage. I know he'll not care, and he's told me as much. At the same time, it's not just for him, but for my own self-esteem. So, this at least gives me that needed motivation.

    I'm just excited that after months of no word... It seems to really be able to happen.

    wonderful! you'll finally get to have your first meet and see how things go, whoo! Are you guys maknig any longterm plans for spending more time together (I assume of course this visit will go well).

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      awww happy for you!!
      My passport also just finish last week.. and i also wish i could visit my SO on May... one step to meet again.. i know the feeling!
      Hahah i careless about the body shape! i gain like 2 kgs since last time i see him.. just as long i see him i would be ok i ate because i think of him!


        Originally posted by Silviar View Post
        wonderful! you'll finally get to have your first meet and see how things go, whoo! Are you guys maknig any longterm plans for spending more time together (I assume of course this visit will go well).
        We have dabbled with the possibility of him coming back again later this year for our Thanksgiving, where he would meet my entire family... Scary.

        If that goes well, then I'll visit him in 2012 in France. It'll just depend on how things flow through between now and then, but for now - I'm just excited to have any time possible with him. To know he's actually real. :P


          Awesome news! And hey, nothing wrong with wanting to look your best for the both of you. I hope everything goes smoothly and that you two have a blast when he does come see you.

