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Could you ever date yourself?

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    Could you ever date yourself?

    Might sound like a weird question but bear with me considering this has been in my head for the past couple of days, if you were in your SO's shoes knowing what your like with your personality, your quirks, ect would you date yourself? could you do it or no?

    the answer to my question would be no i wouldnt lol, cause i see how i am and it would drive me nuts!!


    But I'm glad that my SO thinks that I'm worth dating.


      Yes, I would. I think I'm a pretty fun, caring, awesome person to be around


        For the most part, yeah! I have my flaws, but they don't really get in the way of me being a warm, caring, interesting partner.

        I once dated a guy that was very similar to me in terms of personality. We got along great, never really fought and when we did, it was resolved immediately. I probably could have married him and we would have had a very happy, pleasant life together.

        My SO now is similar to me in terms of many interests and most values, but we have very different personalities. We help to balance each other out. I tend to give up when I'm upset about something, he's a fighter. I tend to be very calm and introverted, he's very energetic and extroverted. The contrast between us are sometimes not easy, but the also keep some passion in our relationship.
        Fun question!


          No, I don't think I could date myself. I suppose I have my good qualities, that my SO tries to remind me of but I tend to be a somewhat negative person (at least about myself) so it's hard for me to see them. I am caring, I try to be fair, I try to be balanced and I am very passionate and very artistic, those qualities I could date. But it's the other side of me which is a deal breaker. I couldn't date someone who has mood swings like I do, or who gets depressed like I do. I'd rather be with someone who is more steady and stable, like my SO


            Originally posted by LadyEcstsasy View Post
            No, I don't think I could date myself. I suppose I have my good qualities, that my SO tries to remind me of but I tend to be a somewhat negative person (at least about myself) so it's hard for me to see them. I am caring, I try to be fair, I try to be balanced and I am very passionate and very artistic, those qualities I could date. But it's the other side of me which is a deal breaker. I couldn't date someone who has mood swings like I do, or who gets depressed like I do. I'd rather be with someone who is more steady and stable, like my SO
            i have the same problem im very moody im a scorpio it happens lol but for that reason i couldnt date me or someone like me cause it would drive me nuts, thats why me and Denise go well because ok she has her moment but shes nothing like me we have different personalities that go well together and i love that!


              I dunno if I would date myself. I have alot of traits that I would think would be annoying to a SO. I'm kinda messy and scatterbrained and sometimes can't get things right. Luckily my SO sees something I dont and tells me all the time how happy he is to have me in his life. So it makes me feel alot better about my hangups
              " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
              Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

              Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


                Nah, I mean I suppose I could, but I wouldn't want to! One of the best parts of a relationship for me are the long, deep conversations about the world and comparing ideas. I already know and understand my views on everything, I'd be bored to death with myself I'd be the most boring date I've ever had.

                Also, I like how my guy balances me out. While our ethics and values are well matched, I tend to be very spontaneous and do some really dumb things, but also some incredible things, too. He is much more careful and thinks about things a lot before doing them, sometimes so much that the moment passes him by, but when it doesn't, he's made really good decisions. Put that together and it just works. So yeah, I need someone who has some differences to keep life interesting!
                Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                  I could date myself, but I think being with myself would be boring, so I wouldn't. Two rocks that sit together do only that. I think I'm a good person to hang out with, but being with someone exactly like myself wouldn't have any yin-yang to it.

                  LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


                    Yes, I would date me. Sure I have some flaws, but I am always able to acknowledge my flaws and tries to fix it. I also have good traits like caring, funny, down to earth and motivated. My girlfriend likes that I am independent and motivated toward my career goal.
                    Jessica loves Hoa
                    Connection Case Manager
                    Pre-med Student
                    Public Relation, Vietnam Health Clinic


                      haha, cool question... but I doubt it. As far as I know I'm sweet, caring, up-beat and comfortable enough to be around, but I also tend to be a slightly pessimistic emotional roller coaster.. Sometimes I even wonder how my guy manages. So - naaaah :P I'm too much trouble..


                        Probably not. Isn't that why they say "opposites attract"? Despite all of the things we have in common, we do have enough differences to keep it interesting!

                        When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                        True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                        When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                        1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                          No, I'm a mess. I would run as far away from myself as possible.


                            Date myself? NOOOOOOO
                            I would be friends with me though, as i think i'm pretty funny,i have a big heart and i would be there for me whenever i needed me. But god am i annoying sometimes, i seriously think my SO deserves a medal for putting up with my ramblings and my totally illogically approach to life.
                            As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                              I've joked that I've found my "man-me." ;D We're eerily similar in some ways, but we complement each other as well. There's plenty about us that's different enough to keep things fresh, but it's not a complete "opposites attract" dichotomy either.

                              Great topic, Caitlin!
                              My heart belongs to a pilot!

