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Could you ever date yourself?

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    I'm not sure.
    I think I'm an awesome girlfriend and if I were a guy I'd totally want a girlfriend like me. I'm fun to go out with, I get a long with his friends, I don't have a lot of guy friends, I'm not jealous at all... Hell, I'm the complete opposite of drama. AND I'm not ugly.
    I'm not attracted to girls and obviously as myself dating myself would be boring, but if I were my SO (or another guy) I'd at least consider dating who I am now.

    I'd be way too impatient for the language barrier, though. I'm so amazed my boyfriend put(s) up with that and when there's something I don't understand or can't quite explain he's incredibly patient and tries to break it down to really easy bits so I can understand it. Even when it takes ages and I'm being exceptionally slow. I'm sorry, but I don't think I could date someone that was speaking my language as a foreign language. (Funny thing is: I have a Polish friend who as a German boyfriend and she says exactly the same thing. So we're always wondering how our boyfriends put up with our gibberish. At the same time we're really close friend and don't have problems with each other's gibberish at all.)
    We don't speak German together, even though I suppose he could hold a conversation because I don't have the patience to wait for him to formulate a sentence and think of the right words. I'm horrible when it comes to that.
    Oh, Impatience is probably my worst flaw.

    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


      I honestly don't know. While I do have some qualities that a guy wouldn't find in most other girls, I do have my flaws that are pretty big imho. I think I'm too worrisome, I know I'm a hypochondriac/germophobe, and I think I might tend to complain at times (but, I do try and stay positive). I have a tough time fitting in and getting along with people because I'm so shy. But, my redeeming qualities are that I've been told I'm the sweetest person that some people have ever met, I have a strong maternal instinct, I'm very understanding and forgiving and I am always willing to lend an ear or give advice to a friend in need, or if my SO needs me. I couldn't tell you if I'm pretty or not, because somedays I see it, somedays I don't.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        alright well here's a different spin on the question....could you date someone like yourself with the same qualities, quirks, obsessions as you? Denise asked me that question on the phone a few minutes ago and i honestly told her I could never do that, it would drive me crazy, i would have broken up with the person already


          No, I wouldn't date me. I never shut up, I'm impatient, I am forgetful, I'm way too spontaneous, I'm overly emotional, and I like everything in disorder. Oh, and I complain about everything. If it's summer, I'm going to complain about the heat and if it's winter I'm going to complain about the cold. Not to mention when I'm sick, I'm just awful.

          Why is my SO with me? Well, we have the same morals and goals in life and a lot of the same interests, but our personalities are completely opposite. He's a very calm, patient man. God bless him. haha. He says he thinks it's cute when I talk too much and he likes how spontaneous I am because he's the sort of person that wants to do amazing things, but if somebody wasn't there to push him, he wouldn't do them. I also tell him where I put everything so then when I forgot where I put it I can just be like babe? and he's like on the kitchen table.

          We're like peanut butter and jelly. (my analogies are spot on today, I'm telling you.) He needs someone to shake him up and I need someone whose calm, patient, steady, and doesn't mind how..well, crazy I am.


            I think I'm a pretty good girlfriend because I'm caring and giving, but I wouldn't be able to date someone as anxious as me. I need someone to calm me down and stop me worrying.


              I would drive myself up a wall!!! Absolutely not! I would choke myself to death


                Interesting question!

                And no way! XD I don't even think I could be friends with myself tbh. It's so hypocritical of me to say too. I would find myself too annoying... I actually often tell Ray it's a good thing he finds my quirks cute because most people think they're annoying. Which is uh kinda true... ^^;; It's just the way I talk and say things. And I can be kinda stubborn. I would drive myself crazy heh. But on the other hand I might be able to get past my own flaws if I really loved myself. Geez, that sounded really narcissistic lol


                  GOD NO! I get way too introverted sometimes, I would drive myself insane! I'm sure I drive my SO insane with it... but he seems happy enough dealing with that... I wouldn't lol. I sometimes see my SO as my detached extrovert side. He's loud and can just talk to people, whereas I'm the opposite. If I dated myself, there would be NO conversation, as we'd both be too shy to start one lol

                  <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
                  <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
                  The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
                  <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
                  <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
                  Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
                  Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


                    No, absolutely not!


                      i would date myself yes! i'm a confident person, loving, caring, sweet, and funny! i know what my SO loves about me, and i love those reasons too!


                        Well as a guy I think I would want to. At first. I am nice,caring,really laid back girl. But I can be a bit clingy. I can also be very open with people not too long after I meet them. About sex. Which depending on the person can be annoying or funny. For me since that's me then I wouldn't mind it.haha. I think as a partner that probably wouldn't be my favorite thing because I wouldn't want my sex life broadcasted to her friends. I can also be worrisome and gossipy. So overall no and I probably couldn't date someone that was just like me either.


                          absolutely not... I can't imagine what makes my SO think so! LMAO!!!!


                            i dont know if i could date myself. i have some pretty good qualities. i would want to be my friend though. idk how my amazing so handles me, i think im too emotional. thankfully, he still loves me and tolerates it.


                              I don't think I could, I really need my SO to make the first move on a lot of things so if there were two of me.....things would fall apart pretty quickly.

                              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                              -- Anonymous


                                No, but I think I will make a pretty good wife actually and a great mom. I just do not see myself as a super sexy woman desirable by many men (tho some ppl think I really should)

