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Could you ever date yourself?

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    ABSOLUTELY THE HELL NO. I would drive myself crazy. First and foremost problem: two people overthinking life and the relationship? No thank you. Also, I'm far too shy about this kind of thing. It took all my guts gathered up over 2 weeks to confess to my SO, if there were two of me, I don't think I'd ever meet me because I'd be too shy to say a word.


      LOL I would date myself totally! Knowing how someone feels at every min., dependable and sweet LOL.. but no I prefer to date the total opposite like my SO tho. I need someone that knows how to stand up for themselves! Because of my SO he taught me to be mean when necessary and have a smart mouth lol!


        Originally posted by FadedSunrise View Post
        ABSOLUTELY THE HELL NO. I would drive myself crazy. First and foremost problem: two people overthinking life and the relationship? No thank you. Also, I'm far too shy about this kind of thing. It took all my guts gathered up over 2 weeks to confess to my SO, if there were two of me, I don't think I'd ever meet me because I'd be too shy to say a word.
        HAHAH overthinking life.... Is the sky really blue? No is the ocean really blue? lol lmao lmao too funny!!


          No, I couldn't.
          I'm too demanding and I've never been a huge fan of myself. Which sounds weird because, hen some people would be "why don't you just change then?", ... because it's hard.
          I have very low self confidence, have big mood swings, a bit too negative (which I really do try to work on), I speak my mind... sometimes without thinking.

          I of course do have some good qualities - all people do. Just not enough to wanna date me... so I often have a hard time getting why my SO is okay with marrying me and proclaim eternal love...

          Guess he has the good qualities I lack and the other way around. Balance.


            Absolutely not.
            I could be friends with myself but not date myself.
            I'm much too impulsive. If I were with me, I (we?) would do so many things I would later regret. I'm also a slob. It must have taken him a whole week to clean his room after I had been there. I have terrible terrible mood swings and am too pessimistic. I don't love myself enough. I can't sing. I expect a lot, but don't give a lot in return.

            That is why I wouldn't date myself.
            I don't know how he stands being with me. :P


              Yes, I'm pretty sure that I could date my self.


                Well once in a month I do treat myself.I go to movies or bowling or to a badminton match all alone. Hang out at my favorite spot where I get my inspiration to pen down certain things.Its a great time out and I love it. It has certainly helped me to do lots of self reflection and make me a better man.

                So, my answer is Yes I will date myself. Its a personal space for being an Individual.


                  Bahahaha! What a great question! My first thought is to say no. Yes, birds of a feather can flock together, but if I was dating someone identical to me, I would feel like there would be an extreme lack of balance (my positive traits couldn't shine and my negative traits couldn't be tempered by someone else's). On a second pass, I could say maybe for a little while, but nothing serious or nothing beyond a great and very agreeable friendship (we'd be like a decision powerhouse and always have the same votes for what to do!).


                    Iiiiiii guess I'm a bit of a pain in the bum every now and then.. and I hear I'm pretty good at sulking but I'm also loving, caring and kinda sweet I guess so.. I probably could x) Would be interesting to try and see what it'd be like to be my boyfriend


                      No, I think I am crazy and most of the time unbearable to be around. I'm a control freak and I stress easily lol idk how my SO puts up with me but he does!

                      Madly in love with Michael


                        Originally posted by hxcbreakdance View Post
                        No, I think I am crazy and most of the time unbearable to be around. I'm a control freak and I stress easily lol idk how my SO puts up with me but he does!
                        Exactly my thoughts... I'm those things as well.
                        + I'm probably pretty demanding XD


                          I mean, I can be really stubborn at times and stuff but overall I'm pretty amazing (so I've heard...)
                          And I'm crazy, just like my SO. That's why we work so well. I couldn't be with anyone who didn't like my craziness. So if I was dating myself? Totally would work!

