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He is going to Las Vegas in may :/

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    He is going to Las Vegas in may :/

    So, John told me tonight that on May 6-11th he will be in Las Vegas at the casino with his aunt. He swore up and down that he told me back in December...but he didnt.

    Anyway...I am feeling very sad and left out. Im dreading those 5 days because there is a 3 hour difference and he won't be able to talk to me..

    Don't get me wrong, Im not upset becasue he will be having fun, I am upset becasue I feel like we don't do anything "big" as a couple.

    He is using some vacation time for that trip, yet he told me straight out that after that trip he won't be able to do anything big with me during the summer

    aww that's a bummer, why is he going on this trip without you?


      Because his aunt invited him...but my mom even said that John should've asked his aunt and I could've saved up some money.


        yea that would've been nice for you to go too, because now there is no big trip left for you guys but hopefully next summer will be better and an even bigger vacation!


          i was just in this same situation last month! he was going for his friends bachelor party (UGH!) and swore he told me weeks before. so i feel you! i felt like he chose that trip over me (because of the whole vacation time). What can i say...just make sure he knows how you feel. Right before he was going to leave he relaized the decision he had made and felt terrible. So in my situation it was better that i didnt freak out on him. Good luck hun


            I can understand where you're coming from, but maybe he didn't want you to come? I know in LDRs vacation time usually means 'see the SO' time, but perhaps Vegas was meant to be his little bit of fun and the fact he's going with his Aunt/his Aunt is taking him is just how he's getting there. I don't think trying to make him feel guilty about it is the way to go, but you could certainly tell him how you feel in regards of 'not doing anything big' as a couple. That way in the future he may make an effort to do something similar with you in mind.

