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happy update and an unexpected visit!

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    happy update and an unexpected visit!

    I took everyone's advice on here and my SO and I had a serious discussion about the distance a while ago and I don't see us arguing about that anymore thank goodness. I think I've finally really been able to accept the reality of our situation and I'm more than willing to hang on through all of this with him and I've been going out of my way to keep busy as well so as not to dwell on it and get sad.

    My SO managed to switch shifts with someone yesterday so I was able to drive up there after I got out of school and spend about an hour or hour and a half with him. Granted, it wasn't that much time, but I feel like it helped us a lot. We got into an argument maybe a week ago now? and I think us seeing each other helped us to really put behind us what we had argued about and move on.

    Today things have been amazing and I'm really feeling more optimistic about everything. Even though we have 9+ months left of long distance, I'm trying to look at it like it's only 9 months.

    Oh and I did have a question for you guys? Do you cry every time you leave your SO? I usually do, but the visit before this one I didn't and I thought maybe I'd managed to become a little stronger about things, but this visit I cried from about 30 minutes before leaving until I got home. So there goes that.

    I don't see myself changing from the first time I left. I have a weird habit of changing emotions at the drop of a hat. Ten minutes ago I could be doing great living in the moment and focusing on every last second I get with him, then I checked the clock, it was time to go to the airport, and suddenly everything hits me like a brick. I bawl in his arms. =_=


      When I saw my bf on the 11th, it was only for about 8 hrs. the last 2 hours i completely shut down because I kept thinking about him leaving and not knowing when I would get to see him again. He kept telling me to tell him what i was thinking but i just couldnt because I knew that if i started to talk about it I would start to cry and I didnt want to let him see me cry.


        I'm so glad you got to see him and things are straightened out. =] I'd say almost every time my boyfriend goes back to school, I cry. I held it together last time he left, but began bawling as soon as I walked into my house. I hate crying in front of him because I don't want to make him feel worse about leaving, and I want to be strong for him, to show him it'll be okay and that we can handle it. I don't want him to worry about me the entire trip back and while he's up there. Usually, the week that he leaves, I'm a blubbering mess and I can't stop'll be interesting to see how it goes on Thursday night when I have to say goodbye again. I have class the next day, and I know I'll be a wreck. But, we'll only be apart for 14 days, because I'm taking a road trip to see him during my spring break and I'm spending the weekend with him. <rant/>

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

