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saying goodnight

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    I say "night, I love you!" and he says "sweet dreams my love". And we blow each other kisses. Then when I hang up, I IM an "I love you" and a couple lines of kisses, and he does much the same

    <3 The day we met : 10.31.2009
    <3 Our first Date: 11.04.2009
    The Day we went long distance: 08.08.2010
    <3 He came to England: 12.27.2010-01.07.2011
    <3 My trip to Ohio: 5.29.2011-6.09.2011
    Our first Christmas visit: 12.23.2011-1.7.2011
    Distance closed: 2.29.2012!!!!!!!!


      Well it usually goes like this:

      Me- "I really enjoyed talking to you tonight!"
      Her- "I loved talking to you too!"
      Me- "My cell is on loud so if you need anything text me, okay?"
      Her- "I willlll"
      Me- "Pinky promise?"
      Her- "Pinky promise!"
      Me- "Okay, I love you so much Brianna Marie Rapp"
      Her- "I love you too babe"
      Me- "Goodnight and sweet dreams kiddo"
      Her- "Goodnight and sweet dreams Justin, I love you"
      Me- "I love you too baby girl, now get to bed!"
      Her- "Haha, okay. Goodnight"
      Me- "Nighty night"

      It goes like this almost EVERY single night, nearly verbatim. Oh, and one quirky thing I do is I always wait for her to hang up first and listen for the phone to beep that the other person isn't there. I do that just in case she's like, "Oh! One last thing...." lol weird, I know =p


        The Good Night thing was probably the first part of our conversations that we regularly had in German. I taught him how to say "Good night, sweet dreams and I love you" in German
        And I always ask him if he's going to call me the next day. I know he will, it's just so reassuering to hear it anyway.

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          Well that's the thing we promise each other before we board on the plane... say good night every single night if its possible, from phone, gtalk, mail... just to let each other know that we think about them.. i will say "nite-nite sweety, have a great night" well we had 6 hours difference.. so when i am about to sleep it will be afternoon for him


            i ususally call him and it goes like this:
            ME: a sleepy sleepy
            Him: noooooo not yet!
            and we talk for a little bit while im like dead tired falling asleep
            Him: okaaaay you can go to sleep now
            ME:good night lovey i love you i hope you dream of me
            and he'll say something like kay lovey good night sweet dream i love you too.
            ME: bye lovey♥
            HIm: bye love♥


              We usually do the 'you hang up... no you hang up...' thing for about 20 minutes until one of us finally hangs up... Then we proceed to text eachother for another hour until one of us finally goes to bed... It happens pretty much every night.


                We take forever to say goodnight on Skype, I always wait for her to hang up as i just can't do it easily.
                After recently visiting her for the 1st time, now it's even harder to say 'See you later' & waiting another 20 odd hours before i see that beautiful face again.


                  when my so was in the states, we used to leave our phones on and kinda "sleep next to eachother" but we would always says i love you and good night. i always tell him not to let the bed bugs bite. he would wake up way before me and hed wake me up and tell me he loves me and he has to go. he would always send me amazing good morning text messages. then we would text all day to eachother.

                  since he has been in afghanistan, there is a 9 and a half hour difference so i tell him to be safe, and to dream of me becuase i will be thinking of him all day. i tell him how much i love him and tell him i cant wait to talk to him again. say goodbye is always the worst cause i dont know when i will talk to him again.


                    Sol always says "Until the Next Rising" and I say "Sleep well, love"

                    I'm working on a Tattoo with the words "Until the Next Rising"


                      Hm, some days I fall asleep without saying goodnight and I get sad face texts. Actually I just realized I do this more often than not. I'm a bad gf.
                      ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                        We text eachother good night. It's usually me saying I'm going to bed. I love you. Sweet dreams! and then he replies I love you baby! Sweet dreams.


                          He usually calls me before he goes to bed, so I say things like sweet dreams and sleep well and he says things like enjoy the rest of your evening and have a good night. And of course one of us will say "love you" and the other will say "I love you too". If we can't talk on the phone we'll text, and then we sometimes say rawr (it means I love you in dinosaur) instead of love you and there's usually a lot of x's, o's and <3s thrown around.

                          "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
                          -- Anonymous


                            We sometimes fall asleep on skype, which is nice
                            Though during the week it tends to be a simple 'Goodnight'.
                            We are lucky only to have an hours time difference, so we go to bed about the same time to be honest.


                              Because both our net connections have unlimited data allowance when she is at home on the weekends and due to the large time differance (16 hours) we will say goodnight then watch the other drift off to sleep. Sometimes we might wake up to find its still on and you watch their "huh, what?" face when they just wake up, priceless xD. Skype is a godsend ^_^


                                We always say goodnight.

                                Either through email or before ending our Skype call.

