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feeling down

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    feeling down

    So as I said in another post a little bit ago when I saw Mark on the 11th it was for only about 8 hours. The first about 6 hours were great, we talked, laughed, kissed. He met my uncle right away and then about half way through the night my uncle came back to the apartment with his ex, and a couple of their friends. We all talked and joked around and everyone got along great. so jump to about 2 hours before he leaves and we are in the living room by ourselves he asks me to tell him whats on my mind, and I can't i just freeze up and go almost totally quiet on him, and he ends up going to sleep for a couple hours since I wont talk. I have always had a problem coming out and telling people what i'm thinking or how i'm feeling, and its something I know I need to work on. A couple hours before Mark got here i had recieved a phone call from my mom saying that my grandpa had passed away, and I told that to Mark as soon as he got here. Now jump to a few weeks later Friday the 25th I get a phone call from my mom saying that my great Aunt had just called her and let her know that my 22 year old cousin was hit and pinned under a bus Wednesday morning.

    So now with all this that has been going on plus a few other things that have gone on with other family that I cant really talk about I feel like i'm down all the time, and the one time that I feel I really need Mark around he isnt around. we talked some by text yesterday and I watched a hockey game with him, but it feels to me like I know i want him and I love him, but then because everything that has happened lately I start to back away. I told him in a text that I would give anything to be able to show himi exactly how much I love him, and that I know he knows that I love him I just dont know if he realises how much. So he told me to email him and tell him what I think he doesnt know, and gives tells me which email address to send it to. The email address that he gave me was a new one that I didnt have, so I add it into my contacts on yahoo and for some reason went and looked at the profile and see that he made it back on May 14th 2010 and saw that he had connected(became friends with) a girl named Stacy on there. I had heard about Stacy before just never knew her name until the night he was here since he was texting her some. He says that Stacy is just a friend and that he and her would never date or anything, but after seeing her name on his profile like that I started to wonder about that. He has told me before where she works and what town she lives in which the town is only about 15 minutes from me. So I tell him that I know nothing is going on with them because why would he tell me about her or what town she lives in or where she works if something was going on between them?

    Here I am just rambling on and not really getting to any point. I guess my point is when things are going crappy in your life and in your family do you ever start to push your S/O away by not talking or blaming them for stupid things or become jealous, and if so what do you do to try and keep yourself from doing it?
    Last edited by KimmyFay; February 27, 2011, 08:40 PM. Reason: had to change to whats on my mind not his mind.

    well... i dont know if this will help you or not.. but trust is like one of the base for LDR. I think the one that you should questioned is the one that he never mentioned, i am talking about the other girl. But he openly talk about it, even gave you detail where she live, i think you shouldn't be worry about it.

    Its very difficult sometimes on LDR, because when we need our SO the most, he/she can not be there for us to give us the comfort hugs or just simply be there. Sometimes just like you said, you've been busy with lots of other things that unavoidable, made you create lots more distance between you and him... which is sucks (actual distance and the heart/feeling distance). Maybe perhaps at least you send text msgs, once a day or just any kind of communication.. just to show him that you actually think of him. Because no matter what, there should be no excuse on spending 5 mins of your 24 hours for texting your love one just to show you care about them and think about them... so he would not thought that you forgot about him.

    There's so much misunderstood or miss communication could possibly happens in LDR. So.. yeah.. talk about it is the only way to made it not happens


      For me, it sounds strange that Mark didn't realize that it was a bad time for you. Why did he have to ask? He should have understood. I wouldn't be scared of that girl, but of Mark's feeling. Be sure that he loves you as much as you do.


        For the most part Mark and I do talk through text everyday there are some weeks when i dont hear from him a couple days out of entire week. He and I also watch Philadelphia Flyers hockey games together and if there is a game on then we are texting through out the game. I'm honestly not scared about the other girl, I think it was just because of the way I was feeling that I worried about it at the time. I just realised that I made a mistake when I first posted, when i said he asked me to tell him what is on his mind. I ment to say that he asked me what was on my mind. I sent him out an email i today opening up to him as best i could, and told him that I know I am going down a new road and that I would like him to travel the road along with me, but only if that is something that he wants to do.

