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I need him more then ever

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    I need him more then ever

    My grandpa has been feeling down this past week and on Saturday got so bad that my grandma and Aunt called an ambulance. The doc said he has pneumonia and that they will do everything they can but if it comes to needing a respirator to keep going my grandma has refused. My whole family was at the hospital yesterday and he looked awful. He kept saying things about passing away and before the ambulance got there he told my grandma to hold him cause he was about to go. A priest came in and said the last prayer or whatever it is called. This morning he was looking much better but after I left to pick up my grandma he got a lot worse and then told my aunt that he was waiting for my Grandma to get there.
    Ten minutes after we got there he perked back up and seemed okay.

    I hated leaving the hospital tonight cause my parents were still both there and I've had to come home to an empty house two nights in a row. I could use my SO here more then ever right now. He said he's thinking about me and is there if I need to talk, but its just not the same as him being here to hug and comfort me. I just don't know what to do. It would be great if anyone could send some good thoughts our way or ask the cosmos to help us get through this.

    Also, just thinking about stories I've heard and things my Grandpa has said, Do you think you know when you are going to die?

    Awww I'm sorry to hear this. I think that someone can know when they are going to die but I'm not sure what that experience is like. I will say a pray for your Grandpa and hopefully things keep looking better :-). Maybe you should have a Skype date with your SO just so that you can feel like he is there I know my SO does little things to cheer me up or make me laugh while we talk so that I can relax a bit. I'm sure yours will do the same.


      aww sorry to hear this *huggles* i think he defiantly knows and is trying to get everybody prepared


        Sending positive thoughts your way xxx
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


          I will send positive thoughts your way, I recently lost my grandpa and my last living grandparent. I believe you know when you are going to die, I mean at least he did. He told everyone i'm going to be with my sweetheart once again for valentines day and sure enough on Feb 14th, 2011 he passed away.

          Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


            *hugs* I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family.


              I hope everything gets better for you and your family. I'm here if you ever need to talk

