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I'm Back!!!

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    I'm Back!!!

    Hello fellow LFADers,

    I haven't been on in the last few weeks for different reasons.

    The great reason was because my SO was visiting me from February 10th to the 21st
    The sad reason is because my uncle died two weekends ago, and this past week it has been dealing with school and work to go to the funeral which was on the east coast. I myself live in Wisconsin. But now that I'm finally back at my apartment in Wisconsin and got here today I am finally back into the normal swing of things. Work, Classes, Studying and Homework.

    So that is where I've been if anyone was curious.

    I'm glad to be back here too!

    peace & love

    Welcome back. I'm sorry for your loss.
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


      thanks so much vpavelock, it's much appreciated.


        I'm sorry for your loss


          Welcome back. I hope you had a good time with your SO, and I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. *hugs*

          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


            Welcome back! I'm sorry for your loss. Were you able to meet up with your SO while you were there?


              @TkandLvnIT Yes I was able to see my SO during the time I was out on the east coast for the funeral. He had class on the actual day of the funeral but I got to see him all day Friday and my aunt/uncle were super nice to let him sleep over on Friday night too. The one benefit to having a death in the family, was that he was able to drive up to see me. It really meant so much that he drove for 3.5 hours one way just to be there for me during such a hard time. I just kept thanking him and he was like, if I was in the same boat and you could see me you'd do the same. Which is true but still nice to be dating someone who puts as much if not more effort into the relationship as I do.


                Welcome back(:

