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new interests your SO got you into

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    I recently took a huge interest in his language and music... and music in his language... We argue about who has better taste in music, and he has horrible sportsmanship, but translating and learning the language is helping for us to become closer... at first I was looking for someone else to teach me the language because he is always so overloaded with work, but then I thought about it and I can learn the language via music in his language and then have him translate it for me and then i learn it in english... therefore im learning the language AND listening to the music... two things he seems to be proud of me for ^_^


      Social dancing! My SO is a complete nut for waltz and polka, I've gotten really interested in waltz but polka is still pretty meh. I do like other dances like Salsa, Swing and Chacha which he doesn't do or like, so hey improvement in my social life yey. Apart from that, cooking, I guess. I cook on and off but he's an amazing cook so I've learned some of his recipes and it's fun. I still don't like cooking for a lot of people but I guess that comes with practice?

      Alright, and playing the xbox. I never owned an xbox (pooooor student) so omg all those games are incredibly fuuun! On his side, he's been trying to learn Mandarin. Which makes me super happy. But he's always trying to get me to teach me all the "not-so-useful" words -_______-;


        my boyfriend got me MORE into music than I already was. He's a music major, but back in high school we were both in the highest band, jazz band, and pep band, and chorus but I decided to be a part of the pit orchestra as well because he convinced me, and I realized how much I really love music. (just not enough to make a career out of it)
        ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


          He got me into poi before I was even a raver. I have an ex to blame for taking me to my first rave, but Matt is the one who made me want to swing rolled-up socks around myself on strings..... from there I of course graduated to things that glow, or things that are on fire..... but socks were his easy, cheap, and painless recommendation for a beginner. He wouldn't teach me, since he said he was crap at explaining things, but just once when I saw him spinning his new set of sock poi after work, I was hooked. Raver guys are soooo sexy.... *drool*

          More recently he got me into a comic called Transmetropolitan. I had to smile when I first opened it because the main character (Spider) explains so many things about Matt... I don't know if he does it on purpose or subconsciously, but they're almost like twins. Smoking, shaving his head (just once though, it's grown back now. He looked like Ed Norton... O_o), wearing suits all the time, not usually wearing a shirt..... yup. They would be the same person if Matt was willing to get tattoos all over his body. It sounds dumb now that I'm reading it but it was so adorable.

          I'm trying to get him into cosplay... Or at least to not think it's dumb. I'm trying to bribe him with Transmet.... if he goes as Spider, I'll go as Yelena, his Filthy Assistant. Cosplay is a gateway drug though.... maybe he'll realize it's fun, not stupid.

          He also introduced me to whiskey sours, my drink of choice. And bondage. If it weren't for him I would still be having boring old vanilla sex. ^_^


            I got him hooked onto Archer; he helped me rediscover how much I liked comics.

            When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

            True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

            When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

            1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


              Him to me: Salsa dancing, Latin music, boxing

              Me to him: vegan!


                My SO has got me interested in astronomy :P He's really into it and has his own telescope- one night I hope he'll show me through the lenz. But I've now got curious because he's curious Today he wanted to get into something I'm into but I think he was just trying to impress me, and told him our differences are great to have. But didn't stop him from wanting to get into anything I'm into it's a free choice.


                  Superhero comics/films.
                  Hes trying to get me into wrestling but I don't think thats going to happen.


                    There's a huge list of what he's got me into.
                    There's the food and candy I'd never had before I went to the US. I particularly like Zours and string cheese. I actually developed an addiction to string cheese and had to have a few a day while I was there. I finished a big box of Zours in a day, and he just sent me a big box in the mail! Yumm. :9

                    He's a music guy, but was starting to lose his interest in it slowly. The day before I left I picked up his guitar and asked him to teach it to me. I liked it and kept learning even after I came home and developed an interest for the ukulele. He bought me one and now I'm learning how to play it. And he's learning to play a charrango he recently bought. He says I helped revived his interest in music. (:

                    Most recently, Studio Ghibli films. I never expected to like them, but he asked how I liked Howl's Moving Castle and Ponyo which I'd watched previously, then asked me to look for some of the other DVDs so we could watch them together. I ended up getting a box set thing with all the movies for like $15 and watched Grave of the Fireflies and Laputa today. I've loved all of them so far and can't wait to watch more. Shh, don't tell my friends, they'll laugh at me.


                      unintentionally? brazilian pop rock bands and learning his language.


                        well we like to play tons of video games so he's got me into a few videogames that he has played before.. and i dont watch a lot of movies but ever since i've been with him i've probably seen all the good hollywood movies... lol

                        but of all the things that he has got me into.. is stand up comedy.. in fact.. whenever we get to be together we're gonna go to one of our fave comedians Jim Gaffigan


                          My SO got me hooked on weeds I freaking can't wait for the new season
                          And I got him hooked on Glee. Now we both watch it all the time and talk about it a lot ((((: We're dorks and love musical stuff lol


                            I don't know what I've gotten him into lol, but for me:
                            -Death Note
                            -Actually making an effort to learn Spanish :P
                            -His weird taste in music
                            -Physics :P And school in general. It's hard on the ego when your bf is an engineer -.-
                            -Cooking! (mostly because he can't, and I love food... I won't be able to rely on him when we live together LOL)
                            -Playing piano (I had pretty much stopped playing, but he likes that I play piano so I took it up again)

                            "In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd."
                            -Miguel De Cervantes

                            Read our story HERE


                              Baseball. My SO took me to a lot of MLB games last summer and now I hope to go to some more with him this summer!


                                We met online in 2010, so when World Cup Soccer came into view, he got all excited about it, and got me excited. I'm not much of a sports fan at all, but we decided we would watch it together and chat about it on Skype while we watched it. I'm not one to go half-way about anything, and sometimes my intensity drives him crazy, but when he got so excited about the World Cup, which was totally new to me, I changed the theme on my Firefox three times during the games, with the American flag, the Australian flag, and the Dutch flag, the teams we were most interested in. I even wore the team colors. I didn't know the first thing about soccer, but he was very patient with explaining things to me, and we had a good time watching the games, him on TV at home or at a Sports Bar, and me online with ESPN3, while talking on Skype.

                                He also introduced me to his favorite teams in Australian Rules Football, which I was able to watch online with JustinTV. And of course, Skype made it more fun. But one thing I learned the hard way was to get all the glitches out of whatever online source I was using, several hours before the game because I missed a few games, fooling around with my computer trying to get it to work, including one he was really interested in, because it was his home team. They lost that night, and we didn't have a happy chat as we had planned, because he was in a bad mood.

                                For the London Olympics, I downloaded a VPN from the BBC, as sort of a back door, since I couldn't get it any other way. It took a long time to get it to work right, so I missed half of the Aussie Men's Basketball games we were most interested in.

                                So now, I have a new interest in sports, and World Cup Soccer and the Australian Football League, have a new fan.
                                Last edited by AussieAmericanGirl66; February 11, 2014, 04:51 AM.

                                TWO HEARTS BEATING AS ONE, LOVE BRIGHTER THAN THE SUN...

                                Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart

