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Does leaving when you visit get any easier??

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    I always cry the entire night before he goes home, but I've gotten to where I can be quiet enough about it that I don't wake him up. He knows I cry about it but there's no reason to keep him up all night feeling guilty about me being upset. I usually try to hold it together until he leaves, although it never works as well as I hope. As soon as he's out of sight though it all breaks out. Each time I'm amazed that I make it off airport property in one piece because I'm crying so hard.

    Planning your next visit really does help I think. I got home from the airport this last time and slept the rest of the day, and moped around a couple days after that. We want to take a big road trip when I get done with college in a couple months. Since I have to move my stuff back across the country anyway we're going to make it an adventure. I took a look at mileage and some train tickets and it really helped take my mind off him being gone.

    I'm not sure if it helps or hurts, but he left his overcoat with me and of course it smelled like him. Every time I smell it I tear up a little but at the same time it's comforting.



      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

