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Have you SMILED today?

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    Have you SMILED today?

    I can count about 100 times today where just a thought of my SO made me smile while at work- driving- cooking- playing with my son- even doing my laundry.. remembering our conversations, the last time he said I LOVE YOU, the look in his Gorgeous Brown eyes when we're staring at each other, the feelings I get when we're kissing.....

    I want to know what makes you smile through out the day?

    Yes, I have smiled today.

    The sun is shining, it's not as freezing cold as usual and I had a lovely chat with my SO.

    Also knowing that I'm going to Skype with her on saturday makes me so happy.


      Denise made me giggle a few minutes ago


        Usually if I have time to myself I will recall various conversations we've had, sometimes something I'll see or hear reminds me of an incident or just him in general, and whenever my phone beeps with a text message and I see his name attached to the message alert. My mom always says she knows when I've been talking to him or I'm thinking about him because I get a real sappy grin on my face and my cheeks turn red.


          yes i smiled today... but my SO became grumpy and doesn't want to talk to me..... he's just tired.. *sigh*


            When I'm having a bad or stressful day at work, I can always look down and see the ring he bought me. That makes me smile to know that he cares and loves me enough to make a statement like that.

            Also when I see a text from him makes me smile. Just thinking about things he's said or done for me has made me very thankful to have him in my life and that makes me smile too
            " Love don't run....Love don't hide...Love don't turn away or back down from a fight.
            Baby I'm right here..and I and going anywhere"

            Mitch and Stephanie July 14, 2011


              I've smiled LOADS today!
              Called my sweetheart this morning and he sounded soooo tired but stayed up to hear my voice, hearing the songs he's sent me on my ipod always makes me smile. Alot of little things make me think of him and smile.
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                omg not me not today, dang but i have millions of thing to smile about! seems that my daughter its doing better this morning so that's good! couldn't talk to my SO this morning but i still have a =) now!


                  college is stressful and i havent talked to him since the weekend and so it adds to the stress but i've saved all of our tlks in aim and i re-read them every now and then, making me smile and blush, i listen to the song he dedicated to me and i'll smile and blush again, i'll walk by someplace or go somewhere and wonder what it would be like to have him by my side enjoying eachothers company, and that makes me smile and blush, i think of the future, of the summer and how we'll see each other again after a makes me smile, because he'll be my first kiss.

                  and the thought of my first kiss being with him...that makes me smile, blush and get butterflies


                    I smile at tons of things! I'm pretty much always smiling. I was smiling reading this forum! hahaha


                      I smiled this morning around 12 am haha I was reading a book and it said something funny. I smile thinking about any good times with Clay, I smile when I pick up the kids I watch from school, or when they say anything funny and 9 times out of 10 they do. I enjoy smiling and laughing! ♥
                      Join the Photography Group Today!


                        unfortunately I haven't smiled and many things and thoughts lately make me rather sad than happy


                          I'm not smiling at this exact moment, I'm pretty stressed out. But I have hopes that something today will bring me up. Normally just thinking about my SO can get me to smile, thinking about how much I love him, or all the things I want to do for him, experience with him. Seeing the ring he bought me or my LFAD bracelet, looking at the picture of us holding hands, thinking of something I can surprise him with later. Not to mention when we do talk and he's being an adorable nerdy goofball lol.


                            Well, I work with kids aged 1-6 so I can't help but smile on a daily basis! kids' logic can be hilarious... jeez, sometimes it's like they're from some parallel universe I love it..
                            Also, my BF called my cell this morning before work - just to say "I love you" and then hang up on me that always brings a smile to my face..


                              Originally posted by paulawriteslove View Post
                              I was smiling reading this forum! hahaha
                              LOL.. love it!

