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Job offer sucks

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    Job offer sucks

    My boyfriend has been on the job search for the last two months. He has had a couple interviews but being out of work for 5 months (he was visiting me) he didn't do so well on the skills test they had him do. Since then he has reread his books and brushed up on everything. He currently is waiting for an interview and a call back from a couple others.

    He called his old job and asked if he could still rely on them for a reference. His old boss said yes and then also offered him is old job back. Its a great job and pays well. Great news right?! Not really. The job requires traveling anywhere at anytime for any amount of time. When we met he was working away and ended up being there for over a year.

    I am planning on getting a two year visa to the UK to be with him, but with this job I could go and end up hardly seeing him. When we skyped today he told me about the job offer and asked what I thought. I told him I didn't like the idea but it was up to him. I know he doesn't want to be away or make me come over and then be alone there but he really seemed to be considering it. If he took it and got transfered to somewhere in europe it would be easy to visit on weekends but if he started flying back each weekend he would be in the EXACT same position as him and his ex, and I don't really want to make him relive that situation.

    I don't really know what I am asking, just had to get it off my chest. Perhaps if anyone has input or could share what they would do in this situation would be helpful

    My boyfriend left his job four months ago in hope of getting a job here by me. It didn't work. He;s still unemployed and he moved back home. He's getting desperate and thinking about taking his old job back, which he hates and makes him constantly bitter and miserable, but it's a pay check.

    I know a bit of what you are feeling. I want him to get a job which would make him happy, but unfortunately that hasn't been in the cards. I don't want him to go back to his old job either.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't really helpful, but I'm kinda in the same boat
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


      Unfortunately that's the nature of the economy anywhere these days. Even with the best qualifications, it can take months up to a year if not more to find a job that's willing to hire you. There's still the possibility of him continuing the job hunt while he's there if he does return to his old job, though I'm not sure how going to interviews would pan out if he's not in the country or close enough to be in person. Phone interviews only go so far. Maybe if he only took it for a certain amount of time to save up money for you both to live on? Unfortunately there's no easy answer for this type of situation, goodness knows I'm in somewhat of a similar boat.


        Now isn't the time to be picky about jobs, there just aren't many out there, unless he has some kind of specialized skill that's highly in demand. It might not be ideal, but there might not be any other offers, either. He can always take it and continue to look, at least he'd be bringing home a paycheck in the meantime. Good luck with whichever he decides.
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          My boyfriend was in the military for over 10 years before being wounded and honorably discharged. He was a diesel mechanic, and has worked on and off in the year since he was discharged. About a month or two ago, he was offered an amazing position with a contractor to go overseas (aka Iraq and Afghanistan) to train soldiers on how to use this particular company's products. It was a great opportunity for him: excellent benefits, a six-figure salary, all kinds of great perks. But he would be away from home for a year at a time. He ultimately decided not to take the position, partially because of myself but also because he has two young children and a divorce that was not final at the time. It's definitely a tough position to be in, but I would have let him take the job without fighting if that's what he would have wanted. Good luck to you both!


            Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
            I'm not sure how going to interviews would pan out if he's not in the country or close enough to be in person.
            He is in uk applying for Uk jobs, hes been traveling within England to interviews.


              I hope something else turns up. Those types of jobs are not only hard on the worker, but on his family and friends as well. But I do understand the economy isn't the best right now and of course, if nothing else turns up I suppose he will have to take it. I really do hope something will turn up for him though.

