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What Would You Like?

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    What Would You Like?

    If you were sick without your SO? What would put a smile on your face from your SO?

    My bf is sick, and I'm really sad I can't be there to take care of my man!
    I want to send him a letter telling him I hope he feels well, and to imagine me giving him a back massage that he loves so much, but what else can I send him to make him smile while he is sick?

    I would like to send him brownies but how do I send brownies? lol

    I've sent my SO brownies and cookies before. =] It's really easy for me to make him smile. I just talk about the times we've spent together or our inside jokes. Or a nickname I call him.


      I would love to send him brownies because that's his favorite food, but how exactly do I send them? I feel dumb, but I really don't know how lol do I make them and go to the post office?


        Lol Being long distance for a while, I've learned how to send just about everything. :P I make the brownies and put them in a tin or ziploc container, find a box that they fit in and I send a card with them too. Then I take the box to the post office or UPS and send it. =] I promise it's not hard. Especially if he's in the same country.


          A couple of times last year my SO ended up home with a 103 degree fever from being overworked. All I did was make sure he had his laptop in bed and I stayed with him as long as he wanted to be awake and would check in on him when I could. Basically playing nurse from afar. You could always send a get well soon card or e-card and just do little things to cheer him up. Me I have a weird sense of humor so my idea of doing that would be to make a paper nurse's hat and try injecting him with medicine through the phone just for laughs.


            ooo ok thanks!!


              If your in the same country send them priority/next day etc so they get there quick.

              Being in separate countries I can't do that for my SO sadly

              Maybe send him a little stuffed toy he can cuddle instead of you?
              Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

              Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

              And remember....Love really IS all around.


                My SO had a horrible post-nasal drip for 2 weeks back in October and basically had no voice and was really feeling crappy up at school. My maternal instincts kicked into maximum overdrive, but I couldn't be there to help him. It was an awful feeling. I basically just IMed him and tried to send him positive vibes, as well as give him advice on feeling better. Lots of virtual hugs and virtual TLC.

                "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                  I love doing something romantic and simple for my SO. Like sending an email, or ecard, I even sing a song for my SO. Just something that you know that makes you SO happy you would do.


                    Well, I once really sick (with throwing up and everything) and my SO made me a video.

                    It didn't help my sickness that she was talking about food (), but it was a wonderful surprise.


                      When my SO or I are sick we pretend to be nurses from afar :P Like I would pretend to give him back rubs or tuck him in or bring meds and whatever else XD it usually makes us laugh :3

                      First Met Online: May 08
                      Became a Couple: 4.11.09
                      First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
                      Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
                      Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13

