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How long does it take to get use to being in a LDR??

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    Originally posted by princessmeg1328 View Post
    You just take the good days with the bad. You cry when you need to, and you just let your SO know that you love them and can't wait to be with them. It always helps to have a routine to fall back on, especially during the hard days.
    This. I definitely believe people shouldn't hold in their emotions.


      To be honest, I dont think I ever really got used to being in an LDR. I thought by being in one of them before my current LDR would give me an edge the next time I did it, but I was proven wrong. Much like every relationship, every LDR is different, with its own little nuances and quirks. Either way, I wouldn't trade my girlfriend for anything in the world!
      National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
      National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

      Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


        I'm not sure if I'll ever be used to it. The important thing is to hold on to the fact that you know your relationship and love is worth the hard times. Dont ever be afraid to express your emotions either. And keep counting down to the next visit, or when the distance can be closed - it helps.
        Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

        Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

        And remember....Love really IS all around.


          Thanks for all the advice everyone!!!


            I guess I have become more comfortable with him not being around all the time but I will never get used to it, it still kills me everyday that I go without seeing his face!

            Madly in love with Michael


              I've been in an LDR with my SO for over 2 years so we definitely had been "used to" being far apart. But that doesn't mean I can live one day without us texting, talking, emailing and being online. I get paranoid whenever he doesn't text or call me. So it's basically constant communication eventhough we're long distance..
              Distance just sucks.


                I don't know if it's because this is my first relationship, or if it's because she's my soul mate. but from the second she said yes, it felt right. I know of some LDRs that don't last a month... I think its all to do with you as a person and: are you willing to stay up until 4 am just to say "I love you" over Skype.
                I don't think anyone gets used to it, more like you learn the best ways to deal with the distance.


                  I'm not very sure but I think it wasn't long before my fiance and I got used to being in a LDR. When we started dating then we discussed about the distance right away. We tried to plan our meetings, our future and our plan about closing the distance. We knew from the start that it's going to be tough, but we both agreed that we won't give up and we will close the distance! ^^

