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We Booked a Ticket, but Some Problems Remain (Long)

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    We Booked a Ticket, but Some Problems Remain (Long)

    As you know, I was feeling frustrated that he had been pressuring to schedule a visit and get the tickets and once I told him, he seemed to have forgotten about doing anything about it. Well, last night, he purchased a ticket for me! Yay!

    The night before, I had sent him an email with a better price I had found on another website and that seemed to have kick-started him again. Last night, we spent hours searching through prices online and also customer reviews on some of these websites. It turned out that the site I had found with such a good price had some bad rep. for adding astronomical service charges at the last minute and having some weird policies about ticket pick-up and such. That forced us to book through another site that we trusted more, but the prices were more and when we went to a certain screen to start processing things, the prices jumped even more (but this seemed to be common to most of the big sites).

    For those of you who pay for really expensive flights to Europe and Asia and such, I guess it doesn't seem like a big jump...but we're really feeling the price jump this time. The first time I saw him was in the summer (which would seem like a popular time for vacations) and the Canadian dollar was low (and we booked it through a Canadian site), so the ticket was something like $460 including taxes--it seems like such a good deal now! This time, the Canadian dollar is high (which would maybe make for a little bit of an increase), I'm going in April (which, is after the usual spring break time and really...who would go to Kansas for spring break, later or not?) and the ticket is close to $700 including taxes (this is economy class, no extra travel protection included, separate baggage fees).

    I had to say to him that it was a lot more and was he sure that it was a good idea right now/ maybe we should wait longer for a visit or at least look for tickets when he had had a chance to sleep on the information (and...I think...he already knows that I couldn't afford anything like that right now). He put it on his credit card and just wanted to make a decision and have something to look forward to! I'm excited, but I feel worried that this is something he can't actually afford (he did seem more indecisive than usual at first and I sensed some strain in his voice as he was searching around, pre-decision).

    Since my parents and I weren't getting along yesterday, I wanted to wait until a better time to tell them I was going. However, my Mom chose to pick a fight with me again and one of the sets of topics was that I am "never happy, don't put myself out there, and don't dream to do things that make me happy." Of course, I then bring up that seeing him makes me happy and is putting myself out there/ being bold, and that I am taking steps for a dream of seeing him with this visit. She looks dumb-struck and goes on about how I don't have enough money for food and dates, what if I have a terrible travel experience like last time, etc., etc. I try and counter some of those things and then she says "I don't want to hear about any of your boyfriend stuff." Is she insane? Seriously.

    She did bring to mind, though, that I really don't have much of a cushion for dates or even travel emergencies, etc. I have to figure out how much money, total, I used last time and get some Canadian (the little bit I can afford) converted while it is still high to make up for the gap (I did stash some of the American that I didn't spend from last time). Ahhh, but now that the ticket cost so much more, I wonder if he will be expecting more contribution to dates--we certainly need to have a talk about planning maybe some less expensive things to do and places to eat. Not now, though...I think we should bask in our glow of the ticket for awhile.

    ...and last, but not least...still worrying about the weight/ fitness issue. I'm doing a lot of dance classes and such, but I just don't see any weight coming off. I really want to lose weight the healthy way and that's also the slow I don't know if the 20 lbs I want to lose will come off, let alone even like 5lbs...:S Is it possible to lose 20lbs in 43 days in a healthy way?

    Ah, I'm so excited for you! Terrible that the tickets cost so much though. My SO and I went through a period last year where we didn't have much money so we did a lot of inexpensive or free activities like going to the park or renting movies instead of going to the theater and we went to any events that were going on downtown for very little money or sometimes even free. We also opted to cook for each other instead of going out to dinner because it's much cheaper than going to a restaurant.

    Unfortunately, it does take a while for weight to come off the healthy way, but that's a little over a month away so you should be able to lose at least 5lbs maybe more so towards 8-10 depending on how much weight you are losing. Either way, you'll be more toned and your SO will be happy to see you either way!


      20 lbs in 43 days healthily is not possible, no. Healthy is 2 lbs/week or 10% of your body weight/week.

      Yeah, ticket prices are jumping since fuel prices are climbing. I read a few articles about it last week. Sucks. :/

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I definitely agree that ya'll should go on cheap/free dates. I'm dying for the SO to just walk me around his city, but I'm a huge nerd and don't really get to see places like Chicago very often. We did have a [very] small snowball fight [we each threw maybe 3 at the other. Lol.] and I absolutely count that as a date, and certainly one of the best we've ever had. But that's just my opinion.

        And about the weight thing, I really have no idea about losing weight or any of that because the only time I've ever seriously worked out was like 3 years ago in high school when the boys in my ROTC class would tease me to motivate me. It totally worked, though. Lol. Maybe play up one of your favorite features [legs, arms, toes, whatever] until you have a little longer to safely lose weight? I don't want you to do some crazy diet. Just whatever you do, BE HEALTHY, ok?


          Uhmmm.. feel the same sadness about the flight ticket... the cheapest round ticket that i browse from Singapore to Frankfurt (not even from Jakarta-Indonesia!!) is around US$900. Its crazy... i know he work so hard to made me able to visit him.... and i might be made it to get there in May 2011. He could only afford for like 14 days.. and i told him its enough! i don't want my visit will cause him trouble (like bankruptcy!). But it will be like 6 months since last time we see each other when i visit him. So, i really don't care that much about what we will going to do, as long as we are together for two weeks!

          I tried not to think about him very much since last two weeks, so i pour my self to work, and work out.. haha i lost 4kgs in two months.. and now exactly on weight that i want.

          I eat more veggies and fruits, less amount of food but i eat often like 3-4 times. I work out like almost every night.. just like less than an hour. Running or weight lifting (i need toning). Since i work like 30 days non stop in jungle this shift, so.. i get bored very soon if i just stay at my bedroom at night. And if.. i don't feel like to run or go to gym, just simply watch tv and do some sit ups when they play advertising on, and stop when the movie or what ever i watch play again! hehe its fun!

          Oh and also, i drink more water, it helps a lot. Especially if i got dining invitation or party, i drink the whole 650ml water (one bottle) before i go.

          It took me 13 months to get 15kgs (33lbs) away!! so i don't think its healthy for 20 lbs in 43 days.. no.... unless you do it like crazy with crash diet (which is i wont do!! because the weight will back in even worse!).

