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10 miles

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    10 miles

    My family and I just finished up moving a whole 10 miles farther away from my SO! Not that much but I gotta say it's a little discouraging to be moving farther away and not closer haha but this shouldn't affect us
    Anyone else ever had a similar experience where they had to move farther rather than closer?

    Madly in love with Michael

    I could walk 10 miles! Don't try to let it bother you too much, in the grand scheme of things its not very significant and it won't make visits harder or less frequent.


      It could be 10 or 110 miles. It is still distance no matter how much. It still makes a difference. But like snow_girl said your lucky it won't make visits harder or less frequent.


        Yeah I hope not, he has me a bit worried about it saying that he may not be able to visit me as much because of it so it makes me feel crappy!

        Madly in love with Michael


          Seriously he may not visit as much because of that?! Are you kidding me?! It's not like he would even have to pay more to fly to a different airport or have to travel hours further to see you. It's maybe a matter of paying $5 more for a cab ride!


            I agree, 10 miles is not that much in the grand scheme of things. I would assume he must be messing with you when he says that. I can't imagine he would seriously reconsider visiting you for ANY greater distance. let alone 10 miles. I'm 991 miles away from my boyfriend, and I'll be damned if I let an extra 10 miles keep me from him!


              I think he's just freaking out because gas prices are getting so high and he drives here but it is a little discouraging.

              Madly in love with Michael


                Imagine if you had gained 10 miles... No difference.


                  Originally posted by Cucaratcha View Post
                  Imagine if you had gained 10 miles... No difference.
                  True. I never thought of it like that

                  Madly in love with Michael

