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    I know this is probably silly, as I already posted something about my SO coming within a few months. Except, nothing had been concrete - no booked flights or hotels. Only something that was hanging in the air, until now!

    It's official, he will be coming from France to Florida from May 30th - June 9th. It will be our first time meeting, but I'm sooo unbelievably excited!!

    I feel like a 13 year old hyped up on too much caffeine. I'm buzzing.


    I also was curious how some people have dealt with their families while being in a LDR.

    Truthfully, I moved out of my parents house, and had to move back in because financially I'm more sound with them while still in school. Yet, I haven't told them about my SO, and I don't really plan on it, unless I'll be visiting him - or we're close to closing the distance. My parents can be very closed off to different things, and the fact I met him online would only frighten them. They're not unfamiliar to the idea that I have friends online or that I have met some of them. One of my best friends is someone I met through a game, and my parents love him. I've known him since I was 13 years old, and he eventually came to Florida for college for a year.

    It's also the fact that they can be slightly snobbish... He's quite different from anyone I would have ever brought home before, and upon appearance would not meet their standards. I don't know if we should introduce him to my family while he's down this visit - our first visit, or wait.

    I'm not ashamed, but as much as I hate to admit it - I care about what my family thinks. Their opinion is important to me, despite my always being the black sheep of the family. Or I could just be unsure that I'm willing to take up that fight without having our first meeting to know if this is going to go the real distance...

    I think before you think too much about them meeting him, you need to talk with your SO and see if he would be comfortable meeting them while he's down there. Explain the situation, that he may be snubbed for any number of reasons, and see if he's alright with that right now or if he would prefer to wait until the relationship has matured or he visits you again. As for telling them, that's always a gamble. I know I had the same problem with my mom who's from an older generation and has never understood you can actually bond with people via the internet, plus I had the added issue of him being black and my mother, being an old Southerner born in the 40s, was bound to flip. And she did, for a few months. These days she's more accepting, especially because I stood my ground and she saw that he makes me happy. Point being even if they react badly initially, their opinions can and may change, but as I said it's a gamble and if you don't feel like putting up with the fight just yet, leave it be.


      He's fully and 100% aware of how they are.

      He won't push me, but he also doesn't want me lying to my family. It's sad, I feel like I'm 15 instead of my early twenties.


        Well it's hard when your parents are picky and you want them to like the person you're dating. Having them disapprove of the relationship is disheartening, but you gotta remember that it's your happiness and decision to be with him, not theirs. You can't play by their rules all the time anymore because you are an adult. If they honestly love you they'll accept the relationship eventually and see that he does make you happy and that's what should matter. But if you honestly don't feel comfortable telling them about him right now, don't. I understand your SO not wanting you to lie to your family, but it's not easy news to give in such a situation.

