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Poem thread

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    Poem thread

    Have you ever written love poems for your SO? Put them in here so we can all enjoy them

    Only use your own poems so NO Googling for them!

    Sorry, my muse hasn´t taken me there yet!


      Both of these are poems that I sent Jared through email. I have sent a few through love letters, but Jared has those.

      A poem I sent Jared to celebrate knowing each other for one year.

      February 13th
      Who cares about
      Valentine's Day
      When the day before
      Is just as special
      If not more.
      On February 13
      I received a message
      About Of Montreal
      From a cute boy
      From Louisiana
      Who now holds
      A special place
      In my heart.
      Almost a year later
      I will be remembering
      That special day
      That was the beginning
      Our love story.
      I love you
      Forever and Always

      I was just feeling creative one day

      you are my SUN, my MOON, and my STAR
      every time I close my eyes
      I imagine holding you in my arms.
      sweet kisses and gentle hugs,
      I know that I have found
      my one and only love.
      when my skies are gray,
      you turn them to the BRIGHTEST BLUE,
      and I only hope that I can do the SAME FOR YOU.
      I am here to
      COMFORT you
      LOVE you and
      SUPPORT you;
      when you need a hand to hold
      or when you need someone to listen
      I will be here
      by your side,
      waiting patiently FOR the REST of our lives.
      I will love you forever and always,

      *I quoted three songs in this, two of which have special meaning to us: The first line is from "You" by Radiohead, lines 7 and 8 are from "Because of You" by Sequoyah Prep School, and lines 16 and 17 are from "By Your Side" by Tokio Hotel.


        Here are some poems I wrote to my Megan Last Year;

        sent on Nov. 11th 2009
        In my opinion...
        We could be living in the same city,
        or half a world away,
        but no matter the distance,
        love is here to stay.

        Nov. 13th
        For my Sweetheart
        Fate brought us together under the snow moon,
        but we will see each other in person soon,
        but no matter the distance,
        love is here to bloom.

        You caught me by surprise,
        so I fired back truthful replies.
        We spoke day after day,
        knowing something is bound to arise.

        We told each other our stories,
        only to find us on a parallel path of life.
        You answered my questions,
        making the distance between us seem non-existent.

        Knowing each others next though or action,
        we both held back on those difficult questions.

        We both agree about fate,
        knowing it is never to late for a first date.

        So as you look deep into your heart,
        will you be my sweetheart?

        Nov. 15th
        Aspirations Under the Moon
        The days pass like waves on the sea,
        and the light slowly disappears off in the distance,
        as we sail up the Yangtze,
        through the path of least resistance.

        We look up into the starry night,
        hoping to see our dreams catch flight.
        as our journey of life continues moving forward,
        while our separate boats slowly drift shoreward.

        We each land under the blue moon,
        hoping to capture each others hearts,
        but we both know it is to soon,
        and neither of us wants to depart.

        Together we walk along the shore,
        watching our dreams soar,
        off into the distance towards the light,
        knowing everything is going to be alright.

        Nov. 18th
        Cold Without Love
        The world without love,
        is something no one should speak of,
        It wouldn't be hot,
        more like freezing cold,
        appearing to us as fool's gold.

        The world without feeling,
        would be very unappealing,
        and not very revealing,
        so anyone could get away with stealing.

        The world without trust,
        would be like wind blowing dust,
        trying to make it combust.

        The world without truth,
        could be considered a sleuth.

        A world that isn't intuitive...

        A world that is intuitive...

        A world that would be truthful,
        everyone would look very youthful.

        A world with trust,
        would be like love and lust,
        because of the angels dust.

        A world with feeling,
        you would be able to pick who is dealing,
        and ask anytime for self healing,
        knowing that you are very appealing.

        A world with love,
        is definitely something we all should be proud of,
        because of all the passion,
        and devotion,
        we are able to show our true emotions.

        Dec. 13th
        Interlocked Passion
        Destinies intertwined,
        love stuck on my mind,
        what am I suppose to do?

        thinking of you all the time,
        wanting to be by your side,
        wishing the future would here sooner...

        looking at your pictures,
        imagining us together,
        knowing everything can only get better.

        talking to you,
        every word written making our dreams come true.

        waiting for a response...

        but nothing for a few minutes...


        Dec. 14th
        Wonderful Bliss
        Looking into the unknown,
        hoping that I shall never be alone.

        Planning every step,
        willing to accept without regret.

        Thinking of you all the time,
        like you are stuck on my mind.

        Dreaming of the future,
        wanting for it to come here sooner.

        Carrying pictures of you close to my heart,
        as if they are precious works of art.

        Wanting to be by your side,
        so both of us can confide.

        Waiting for time,
        so I can be with thy love of mine.

        Wishing for nothing,
        because I have everything.

        Dec. 21st
        What is Warmth Within?
        Love is...

        Love is like a fire,
        guiding us to our deepest desires,
        even in the darkest night,
        it is our source of light,
        warming the soul,
        which some days feels as cold as coal,
        burning strong,
        even when we may have done something wrong.

        Love is like a flame,
        telling us not to feel ashamed,
        for our actions,
        showing our loved one our satisfaction,
        since they are our everything,
        and without them we would be nothing,
        sometimes separated by distance,
        but that does not produce any resistance.

        Love is like a fuel,
        making life feel less cruel,
        keeping our inner warmth hot,
        when we might be feeling not,
        kissing us on our cheek,
        and becoming the hope we seek,
        but tis something which cannot be burnt,
        for it must be learnt.

        Love is like an ember,
        making it so we will always remember,
        it may be blown around in the wind,
        making us feel as thou we have sinned,
        but who say what is wrong?
        after is a beautiful song.
        listen to these words,
        for they themselves could be sung by song birds.


        I've been meaning to write a few more... but I need more inspiration from my Megan.

        (c) Christopher
        "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
        "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
        "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

        Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


          Most of you have seen this from my last anniversary post, but now that there's a thread for poems, I'll post it again...

          Exceeding Expectations

          "It won't last," they say,
          "They never do."
          They say we'll never make it
          In terms of me and you.

          They say we're young and foolish,
          They say our love isn't true.
          But I don't think I can see myself
          With anyone else but you.

          I could care less about what they say,
          I've made a promise to be true.
          All the things that I've done
          Are worthless if I don't have you.

          We're exceeding expectations,
          We're making the way straight and true.
          We're perfect for each other,
          You for me, me for you.

          "It won't last," they say,
          "They never do."
          But through our love, we will make it,
          Together forever, me and you.
          National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
          National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

          Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


            I wrote this for my love, Simon on our year anniversary.

            Thousands of miles apart, it was fate when I met you

            A caring, intelligent man, loving and sensitive too

            It felt the first time we met; I was visiting someone I knew

            We sparked something great we had something to pursue

            It’s unreal to think, how quickly things fell into place

            A trip to Ireland that would never be erased

            After that, I knew what we had was true

            Because I had fallen madly in love with you

            I had not only found my best friend, but a lover too

            And still, with those thousands of miles between us

            We grow together to become something new

            Our love is strong; no obstacle will keep us apart

            And know that you will always; hold the key to my heart

            I Love You Babe


              You all write some very cuuuute poetry! Kudos to writing poetry or giving it a shot every now and then! I think it's so nice to receive or give! It's quite personal, after all.

              It's actually one of my hobbies. One that I started about last year. I've written quite a few love poems too. So! Let me share them! EXCUUSE ME for sharing so many.. I just really like to.. Feel free to just read one if you like, haha. Comment and critique is fine! (I'm sorry, there's quite a few, not even all, haha. Just read a few and see what you think, haha. Who knows? Maybe you like them.)

              Excuse my language

              Excuse my language
              Damn, woman, you look fine!

              Excuse my language
              But look at yourself!

              Excuse my language
              Why are you so fucking amazing?

              Excuse my language
              But can't you see?

              Excuse my language
              Sexy steaming-hot genius you!

              Excuse my language
              But how the hell is it possible?

              Excuse my language
              Shit, how did you fill my heart with sweetness?

              Excuse my language
              But come on, doll!

              You rock my socks,
              Fo sho!

              Excuse my language,
              Hot stuff, nobody owns me like you do!

              Excuse my language
              But I love you so damn fucking much!

              Tatiana, I love you damn fucking much!!!

              By Sander Kammeraat, 17.10.2009


              I call you pretty,
              I call you babe
              -and truest rings beauty.

              Sweet girl's name like a neverending echo...

              I call you unique,
              I call you special
              -and you remain uncomparable.

              Your sweet, sweet name echoes in my heart...

              I call you names,
              I call you things
              -and this doesn't change.

              Of all the names, the things you are; Of every echo out there,

              You will always be;
              I will always, always
              -call you

              Dearest, my love...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 26.9.2009

              Shine, Sunshine, Shine

              Whisper you words,
              Of comfort.
              Tell you a story of the future,
              Tell you of dreams to come,
              Whisper you words,
              Of love.

              Hold you close,
              Hug you sofly,
              Kiss you gently,

              Lean on me,
              Rest your head,
              I'll stroke your hair,
              Close your eyes,
              Rest your head,
              On a blanket of roses, red.

              Don't talk,
              Don't speak,

              Just stay for a while,
              Stay here,
              Where everything is new,
              And everything is love,

              Golden is my heart,
              A falling star,
              A new start,
              With new hopes and dreams,
              We'll reach far.

              Shine bright,
              You give me light!

              You're my sunshine,
              And I love you,
              You're my sweetheart,
              And I love loving you,
              You are you and,
              With my heart and all my love,
              I love you!

              I love you!

              By Sander Kammeraat, 17.9.2009

              Sunshine, Starlight

              There's a sky for painters,
              But you can't paint this.

              Both starlight,
              And sunshine,
              Shine bright.

              A maiden waits up there
              -for the call.

              Your life,
              Your light.

              Lovers reuniting.

              Far light,
              And sun time,
              Fine sight.

              And the maidens of light
              -of love.

              My light,
              My life,

              -and starlight.

              Guide me to that moment.

              You are one such a maiden,
              A maiden of the heavens.

              A sight too beautiful.
              Sunshine and starlight,
              That's you!

              In my painters sky you stay,
              But I can't paint you.

              But maybe, just maybe, I can keep on watching you...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 8.8.2009

              The Most Serene Moment

              At its most serene moment,
              I release,
              I am relieved,
              For at this moment,
              This most serene moment
              Time makes my eyes hurt.

              You with your smiling grace...

              Our laughter, a simple idea
              To make our bond take shape.

              Your caring heart that makes mine race...

              Our love, no greater heaven
              To point my little finger at.

              You are my home, my place...

              These happy tears
              -and deepest sighs.
              They leave me humbled
              -and in awe.

              A scream of silence
              Echoes in the heart.
              Transcending the world...

              Beauty; You!
              That is what I saw.

              At that most serene moment.

              By Sander Kammeraat, 18.8.2009

              Laranja Mar Azul

              Shoreline breeze,
              Breaks the armor,
              Carries away this fleeting thought,
              And comes back for more...

              It's this thing,
              That rests on our souls,
              A gentle touch on our hearts,
              Giving us rest...

              Staying true to that light,
              Moving away from time,
              We drift towards a moment,
              Exceedingly stellar...

              With feet in the sea,
              Holding of hands,
              A simple plan,
              Evermore, everlong...

              Everlong, evermore,
              In silence,
              In love...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 13.7.2009

              Little Note

              Slip you a note,
              ("Let me be with you"),
              With all the love I wrote,
              ("And let me be the fool"),
              Hope that you like it,
              ("Take you out and have some fun"),
              Maybe just a bit...

              "Let's head out into the sun!"

              By Sander Kammeraat, 6.7.2009

              Bedroom Sheets

              Bedroom sheets,
              Those crazy sheets,
              Crazy, crazy

              "Just want you so close..."

              Passion of your lips,
              The passion in your smile...
              Your lips and in your smile

              "Can't look away, not now..."

              I find closed eyes,
              Touches my mind...
              Look what I found

              "Tender, sweet, so soft..."

              In my hand,
              A hand in mine...
              A touch on the inside

              "Give more, don't stop..."

              And a whole, whole,
              Wholesome heart...
              To return to

              "Truly you spin me dizzy..."

              The flames underneath,
              Flames in between...
              Underneath and in between

              "So lost, but that's somehow okay..."

              Silly, silly,
              Those silly sheets...
              Bedroom sheets

              "My rose, my starlight, my baby-doll..."

              Will always hide us,
              Those warm, caring sheets...
              Hide our little moments of love...

              "I love you so..."

              By Sander Kammeraat, 20.11.2009


              Golden arrow pulled the night.

              A clean-cut kill made
              My shell, My cocoon and
              Retraced, redrew
              My heart, my soul and
              A life-long love made

              Golden arrow released the day.

              My messiah of hearts,
              You shine, (my soul) you sway.

              I am white.

              I ignite...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 23.2.2010

              I'm not here, I'm over there.

              (Everything I am.)

              In dreams, I'll love you,
              On a mountain,
              In the city,
              Across countries,
              Search for your face,

              (Everything I'm not.)

              In thoughts, I'll love you,
              Take you home,
              Make you a home,
              Stay with you at home,
              By your side I'll stay,
              Never feel alone.

              (Everything that's me.)

              In me, I'll love you,
              In the winter of São Paolo,
              Two hearts beat,
              In the summer of Europe,
              Send you some warmth,
              Two hearts complete.


              In my dreams,
              In my thoughts,
              In me, nirvana.

              (All of me you got.)

              By Sander Kammeraat, 18.7.2009

              Tucked in a Blanket

              Tucked in a blanket,
              I wish was you,
              A cold hand,
              That hasn't been touched in a while,
              Warm is my body,
              Hot is my head,
              One thousand candles for all of the thoughts,
              Of you.

              One thousand lit candles for all of my love,
              To you.

              Tucked in a blanket,
              My prettiest thing.

              By Sander Kammeraat, 18.7.2009

              Neon Night

              Amidst electric colors.

              Sounds of cities,
              That never found the time to sleep.

              Billboard glory never so bright,
              Lights up the streets.
              Meet up with me sometime,
              Dine in some late and forgotten pub.

              Take a stroll and walk with me.
              Take me along your pleasant side.
              Take a stroll and talk with me.

              Alleys hide their kisses too well.
              Fell too quickly into you,
              Grew into a night of neon now.
              Vows to never leave that behind.

              Sounds of people,
              That never found the time to leap.

              Amidst electric colors.

              Colors of the night,
              Waiting for us to get some sleep,
              But first, doll, we've got to take that leap.

              Come away into this neon night.

              By Sander Kammeraat, 1.9.2009

              No Distance Love

              My green sweater,
              Your pearly skin.

              A rose quartz with one.

              My red desire!
              You're amber within...

              Two rose hearts heated.

              Emerald and ruby
              Higher and better

              Than no ruby red roses!
              A tear and a waiting kiss...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 6.3.2010

              Melody Of You

              Dearest, sweetest, loveliest,

              You are fire.
              You are the explosion.

              You are sparks.
              You are the lightning.

              You are euphoria.
              You are the adrenaline.

              Tatiana, Tatiana,

              You are phenomenon.
              You are the aurora.

              You are color.
              You are the rainbow.

              You are sunlight.
              You are the sun.


              You are the dream and the journey...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 7.2.2010

              Love, You.

              I can feel it.

              Skies might be too blue!

              Must be a smile,
              Must be a secret of ours.

              And your face too pretty!

              We dance this slow one,
              We dance this night of ours.

              But I,

              It's a kiss I'm sending,

              But I, will always look into your eyes,

              And it's a kiss I'm receiving.

              I feel it!

              By Sander Kammeraat, 5.9.2009

              Our Own Truh

              I don't know how to.
              Cluelessly searching for ways.
              I don't know how long.

              Well, I've got my faith.

              We place our hopes
              We place our love
              We place our trust

              I've got faith.

              In us...

              By Sander Kammeraat, 7.2.2010

              SO Sorry for sharing so much.. Hope you find something nice in here to read.. I love writing them for my Tati so much!

              Have a nice day,

              Adia, you're on my mind and in my heart...


                Wow there's some heavy poets on here!

                I mainly write and compose songs and I've made songs for Andy for the whole time I've known him so there's some 30-40 songs alltogether I think that I've sent him...

                Here's the lyrics to the newest one, I'll try to record it soon too so I might post it on here once it's finished.
                I wanted to post it cause it's an LDR song

                WE MET ON THE INTERNET

                Whenever I mention the word online dating
                My friends tell me hun that guy must be faking
                So girl be aware or your heart might be breaking

                But I don't believe them cause they don't know you
                Well not in the way anyway that I do
                I know you won't hurt me no matter what you do

                You're so special
                You're not like anyone else I've ever met baby
                You're so special
                And maybe it's because we met
                We met on the Internet
                Yeah we met on the Internet

                I know I am yet to see you perfect smile
                But baby for you I'll walk that extra mile
                I know you're no rapist or a pedophile

                My parents keep worrying my friends say I'm nuts
                Well they don't know how good we are when we're "us"
                And they'll never see our first kiss or the touch
                You're so special
                You're not like anyone else I've ever met baby
                You're so special
                And maybe it's because we met
                We met on the Internet
                Yeah we met on the Internet

                You learn all these new words when you're in a chat
                Like BRB means that I will be right back
                And LOL means that you're having a laugh

                I happen to have a cool LFAD sticker
                Your name's written on the back of my nickers
                The distance between us makes our love bigger
                You're so special
                You're not like anyone else I've ever met baby
                You're so special
                And maybe it's because we met
                We met on the Internet
                Yeah we met on the Internet

