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I think it's over. Please help me be strong!

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    I think it's over. Please help me be strong!

    Hello people,

    The person I've been chatting and e-mailing since last November went on a three-day vacation back in February. He got back and hasn't e-mailed or found me online to chat. I've not contacted him because I already had a heart-to-heart with him that I need to see more action on his part. But apparently, my words had no impact.

    I've talked with a family member about the situation and they recommend just leaving it alone and that contrary to his words when I had the heart-to-heart, he's not that interested. I'm trying to do as they say but I'm weakening. Especially when I see him on social networking sites posting about chatting to a hot chick while going home on the train.

    I'm here just to get support. Please stop me from sending him an offline chat message or e-mail. I know leaving it alone is for the best, but I've always felt the need for closure. I think his silence has said it all. But I'm just too weak and too lonely. Please give me words to stop me from doing something pathetic!

    Personally I would send him a message, then block him wherever you two chatted so that he can't get the last word or spew any lies. It's disrespectful what he did and it's obviously affecting you otherwise you wouldn't be here asking for advice. If you honestly don't want to send him a message or have the temptation, remove yourself from any site you two went on, delete his e-mail address, block him, etc. Maybe stay away from the computer for a while by getting into a book or watching TV or going out with friends. But, if you feel the need for closure, tell him how you feel in an e-mail. Basically give the guy a piece of your mind, but nicely. Tell him you deserved better than what you were given from him and that you've learned something from this in order to better yourself, wish him a brain and a better life, then block his e-mail address or re-route all his stuff into your junk folder.

    It's hard when you find out you're not on the same page as the person you're involved with or in to. He obviously wasn't going to take the relationship seriously and wanted either a fling or some odd form of booty call and those types of guys are not worth your time. You'll find someone better in time, just right now you have to remind yourself that you're worth the effort he should've made and was too stupid not to make.


      Ive gone through the exact same thing as you, except I stopped talking to him and got over it after two months of his silence and then he returned acting like nothing was wrong. If you want the closure, send him a message to give yourself that. Then block him and don't look back.
      I made the mistake of not blocking him, just deleting and he recontacted me a few times over the year and it just pulled on my heart strings and caused me a lot of pain that could have been otherwise avoided if I just blocked him. Please, don't hurt yourself the way that I did.
      There are more guys out there who would treat you so well, and make sure instantly that they contacted you during their vacation and afterwards. You deserve that. I wish you the best.


        I know it's easier said then done right now but keep in mind that this wasn't the right guy for you and the right one will come along. It's his loss not your's.


          If what you had said to him didn't have an impact that maybe he doesn't care to put the effort in that you have. I'd hate to see that happen and I'm sure it's hurt a lot, but just remember that you're worth a lot more than that. You deserve someone who is going to give you what you need and want and vice versa. Stay strong and keep your head up high, it will all work out in the end <3


            Thank you for all the kind words. I really needed it. I've just had such bad luck meeting guys. I know my visual disability is a big factor, but even when I met them online and hoped they'd get to know my personality first that it would be better. No such luck.

