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The sweetest things

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    The sweetest things

    I was posting in thread about things you miss about your SO, and it got me thinking about all the good times...and seeing as we all can use some more positivity in our lives, lets make a thread for that! Your best memory with your SO, something they do/have done that makes your day, anything you feel like!

    My best memory so far was when I went to visit for Christmas my SO had put together a present for me even though the plane flight was supposed to be it. He had it all planned out: first, he had me open a card where he told me how happy I made him, then I had to stop so he could play one of my favourite songs (Dinosaur by Kisschasy). Then I opened my gift, and he had made a dinosaur keychain to go with the song! It was so incredibly sweet, and hearing the stories of him making this keychain were hilarious.

    One of the things he did to make my day was after I told him that when I was a kid my parents would buy the whole pitted black olives and we would put them on our fingers to eat them. That was the ONLY way to eat them, but my fingers are too big now so they don't really fit anymore. After I told him this, he went out and found huge black olives to save for my next visit so I could eat them off my fingers again.

    Your turn!

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous

    Brandon just sent me a picture he drew of him pushing me on a swing in a field, and underneath it it says 'If only we met earlier' ... It's so cute, it makes me grin every time I look at it. Even if it looks like a 5 year old drew it. It's the sweetest thing ever ^^


      It's hard to pick just one. One of my favorite memories is when my SO and I were watching a movie in my room. We were just cuddled up together, and he told me that I'm beautiful. Definitely one of my favorite nights.
      "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

      "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

      Met: August 22, 2010
      Made it official: September 17, 2010
      Got engaged: January 15, 2012
      Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
      Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
      Got married: November 21, 2012
      Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
      Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


        One that pops out in my mind from early on... I'm a photographer and when we first started going out, I was working on an exhibition of particular photos... I really wanted him to be in it but I was really nervous about asking for him to pose, but he really wanted to... We went out to the location, which was in a nearby cemetery (it's really more of a giant park, it's beautiful there and I spend a lot of time there) and he let me take the pictures of him.. then when we were done, we went down and sat next to the creek for a while, it was really unseasonably warm for autumn and it was really nice just sitting there and talking... I don't know, it sounds lame haha.


          I hope it's okay to post something that happened right after the distance was closed? (It was RIGHT after he used his K1 visa, so technically our distance was still up in the air until the big interview).

          Anyway, it's hot hot summer. He is brand new not just to the town, but to the country. He tells me that he is going off for "a brief stroll" ... about three long hours pass, and he finally returns. With 3 beautiful red roses. He walked alllllll the way to the store in just scorching heat, to pick them out for me, just because. Blew me away. <3


            Back last year when he had more free time, I had set up my AIM account to transfer all IMs to my phone when I was offline or away that way if he ever needed me and I wasn't at home, he could IM me and I'd text back. One morning he woke me up by IMing my phone, pretending he was watching me sleep and told me how cute I looked. It was the best way to wake up and I always encouraged him to wake me before he got ready for work so we could talk. It made me feel like we were together.

            Something that made my day was our first phone conversation. He ended up tipsy (he'd been drinking wine the whole time) and went to make popcorn. While it was popping he sang to it and made up a little song in this really awful falsetto voice, then when it was done he started talking like the Terminator, thick accent and all, and I fell off my bed laughing. Ever since then whenever we talk and I'm on my bed he makes sure I laugh so hard I roll off the bed. Painful, but it makes my day.


              When we were about a month into our relationship we were calling eachothers voicemail back and forth and singing or leaving messages well we were talking on yahoo and on webcam, and about the second or third time that he called he sang the Rubber Duck song to me and anytime I was down or anything I would call my voicemail and listen to it and would always get a smile on my face, but then we broke up for a month and i deleted it now I look back and wish I hadnt deleted it. Another one was when he was here seeing me a few weeks ago we were sitting on the couch next to eachother and he pulled out his cell phone and sent me a text telling me that I am amazing, and when I asked him why he thinks I'm amazing but he wouldnt tell me at that time but I finally got him to tell me before he fell asleep. I still have the text and read it all the time.


                I hope it's okay to post this even after the distance was closed..

                but he will randomly run his fingers through my hair.

                he gets my dinner, etc..

                to me.. they are sweet and I love/appreciate them a lot.

                there's lots of other things he does that I love, but I'm having a blonde moment and my mind is on other things! lol


                  I have such a rubbish memory, I cant think of hardly any right now. Hopefully when I think of some more I'll remember to come back and post!

                  When I first got here on this visit, he was showing me round (its a new apartment) opened "my closet" (the bigger one. I dont live here permanantly and he gives me more space!) And hanging there was a beautiful black dress. It wasnt expensive or anything but he'd picked it out for me "just because he thought I'd like it and look good in it" It fit perfectly and I personally think it looks amazing on. I couldnt believe he knew me so well he could pick out a dress for me! (I'm uber fussy when it comes to dresses)

                  Also on our very first visit, it was my birthday. He pulled out his guitar and told me "I've written a lot of songs for a lot of girls. I want yours to be different. I've written the music and we'll write the words together and it'll be OUR song" I've always wanted a guy to write me a song, and that was so far beyond perfect and romantic it was unbelievable.
                  Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                  Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                  And remember....Love really IS all around.


                    she went out for a walk by herself to the store, when she came back i gave her hugs and kisses, she then pulled flowers out from behind her which shocked me cause i didnt even ask for any but yet she still bought me some, shes more romantic then she thinks she is and i got a little bit weepy when she pulled them out and knowing how i get when someone does that shes like "noooo dont do crap" lol and she kissed me again and said "you sentimental dork" heh


                      When we were CD in Germany, I had gone away for a week to go to a music festival and had sent him a postcard while I was there. I'd given him my room key because we were basically living together then, so all of his food was on my floor. Anyway, after he came to pick me up from the airport we went back to our dorms and I checked my mail, he had written me 3 postcards and a card (each with a special meaning for us,including a hedgehog because I call him hedgehog, and a picture of my favorite flower). Then when we went to my room, he had bought me my favorite flower in my favorite color. Next to it was a little strawberry charm because I used to collect strawberry stuff. And also he bought me a scarf so that he could tie me to the bed because I told him I wanted to try it :P

                      I couldn't believe how much effort he had put into it all, and how he remembered the things I said, like what my favorite flower was and how I used to collect strawberry stuff It's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me

                      Wow, what a great idea! That has reminded me how great my SO is


                        When I was staying with him for a month in October, one night we had sort of had an argument. Nothing big and we had already made up directy afterwards. I didn't really think about it anymore at all. But the next day when I finished work he was waiting for me in front of the building with a rose.
                        It meant a lot to me, that he remembered and that he was sorry for what he had said the night before.

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          There's loads of sweet things he's done.. the first thing I can think of is my last trip to see him. One of the days I was there, was our 2-year anniversary (met online two years ago) and he'd booked a photoshoot for us. It was absolutely aaaaaages ago when I said to him that I'd love to go to a professional photographer some day to take pictures of us. I could barely remember saying that myself after he told me I'd said it, and he'd remembered it and made my wish come true ♥ It was an amazing gift and perfect for our anniversary.. and the pictures are beautiful

                          Another thing I love is when he makes me stand in front of a mirror.. points at every part of my face saying "gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous..." and how he tells me I'm beautiful all the time ♥


                            So many good moments and cute memories, but my fav. was when we were watching a movie together in the living room alone, cuddled and discussed about the movie. It was a romantic movie (I can't remember the name of the movie at the moment) and then I told him that he should be romantic like that actor in the movie. He tried to say romantic sentences, touched my hands very gentle and looked at me with his serious eyes... but I suddenly burst out and laughed non stop. He was so cute that every time I think about that moment, I start to smile. I don't expect him to be romantic, I want him to be who he really is. I love him <3


                              I just remembered something else that was really cute.
                              Last summer I told him I had bought leggins and that I was gonna wear them with just a long top and asked if he'd still love me anyway.
                              His answer:
                              "But... Dziubka... I don't really know what leggins are, but I'll always love you regardless!"
                              I think he still doesn't understand the difference between tights and leggins or why they're the same only when you're wearing boots.

                              He was so proud when he finally learnt the difference between skirts and dresses.
                              "See, a dress has a top attached to it. Skirts don't"
                              "Yeah, but how in hell am I supposed to know whether the top is attached or not??"

                              Oh and one more.
                              He's learning German and one of his textbooks had as an example for imperatives the phrase 'Be My Wife!'
                              I don't know why it has made such an impression on him, but now he sometimes randomly goes "Dziubka, be my wife!". Haha...
                              Basically it's super cute everytime he speaks German. He makes up the most hilarious constructions and paraphrases when he doesn't know a word. Gotta love international, inter-lingual relationships.

                              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.

