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The sweetest things

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    Great stories everyone! They make me grin . And for those who asked, stories from after closing the distance are 100% okay!

    "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
    -- Anonymous


      Before we even officially became a couple, back in the days when I hadn't even met him in person or seen his face, we used to email each other all day and night telling each other every little detail of our lives. I was working full time then and I wasn't in school so I would email him before and after work. I was on my way to work, but I stopped to write him a long email because I knew by the time I got off it would be late and he'd be asleep. I mentioned briefly that I didn't want to go to work because I would much rather talk to him plus I was sick.

      When I got home that night, he was indeed asleep, but while I was at work, he had made me a video expressing how much he liked me and how amazing I was to him. He said he made it in hopes that it would make me feel a bit better seeing as how I was sick. I must say it did.

      I have a million other memories like that of me and him, but I really love that one because it was really the first really special thing he did for me.


        one of the best things hes done for me is sent me flowers while i was at school. he has them delivered and he knew i was having a bad day, it helped so much to know he was there for me and cared about me, it really cheered me up (:
        another memory i love is us driving all around town, taking naps together, getting milkshakes all the time, and sitting in the backseat laughing uncontrollably at Dane Cook. <3
        we always have the best times, and i love that about him<333


          hmmmmmmm i thik the cutest thing he ever did...well said was to say "i love you" over the phone, it was our first convo over the phone as a couple so it meant alot because i was being a bit paranoid about wether he had meant the i love yous on aim or not, and then he told me on aim that when he was playing soccer, his team was loosing and that they had a few minutes left to score a few goals, he was the one who saved the team, making them win 3 to 1, the he said that the winning goal had been a winning goal bcuz he'd thought of me. that i was on his mind and that i had given him the power to score a goal! ^-^ sweetest thing ever! lol


            Probably because it's the most recent memory, but this past New Year's Eve I was up visiting and even though he had worked the entire day, he made the extra effort to take me out for drinks and allowed us to spend some alone time together. We usually have one or both of our kids with us so alone time is few and far between. Then we went for a walk and got into a snowball fight which I lost of course because I don't live anywhere near snow at all Just random but one of my favorite moments with him.


              We made so many precious memories that it's really hard to pick just one moment.


                Hmmm I agree that its hard to pick just one moment but I must say that I appreciated when he sent me chocolate covered strawberries just because, when he bought food for me because I was starving from traveling all day, when he let me sleep in because he knew I was tired, when he brushed my hair because I said I missed when my dad would do that, when he called me in the middle of the crowd when I found out some horrible news to make sure I was ok and so many more things. I love my SO and I appreciate the little and big things that he does for me.


                  My most recent "Sweetest thing" is when he sent me a dozen tulips. It was the day that I was waiting to find out if I got into nursing school or not, which was going to be a life changing decision. If I didn't get in I would have been heartbroken, but if I did get in it would mean we would have to stay long distance longer. But before we ever found out he ordered me flowers to have delivered with a note that said "Congratulations on this new step in your life. I support you and love you always." He was so confident and he was my rock through all my nervous breakdowns. When I called him to tell him I got in he told me that he will support me always, and that he will do whatever he has to do to make us work. It was the first time he ever said that he would do whatever it took, and it made me even happier! That was a great day!


                    We were wandering around Greektown in Detroit after dinner and we ended up in the casino just because it looked interesting.... He decided to throw $20 down for craps even though neither one of us knew how the game works... We didn't win anything and we went to walk away but the guy working the table said 'Stay, you look lucky!' Matt turned around and said 'Nah man, I used up all my luck getting her.'

                    He's normally not very expressive like that... he tends to be sarcastic and give roundabout compliments. For him to say something as sweet and straightforward as that really meant a lot to me. (Even though I'm the lucky one... he didn't even have to try to 'get' me. ^_^)


                      Well, I cant really say its the sweetest thing, but one of my favorite memories of my BF's first visit, was when I broight him camping with me. It was just me, him, and my dad. At one point, we were getting ready for the day and sitting next to each other on the pullout couch, and I was putting my sneakers on. My boyfriend decided to be cute and started tickling me...and me...EXTREMELY ticklish, flailed...and the shoe in my hand flew straight across his cheek with a big "THWOMP." In a state of pure shock he grabbed his face and ducked, laughing and groaning at the same time as my father had spun around to see what had just happened. All we got was a O.o and "what happened?" My boyfriend shot up and said in this high pitched, everything crammed into one word in some sort of "fighting for air im laughing so hard" voice "SHE HIT ME IN THE FACE WITH A SHOE!" which, just made us all laugh harder. He had a red shoeprint on his face for the next hour....and I still havent lived it down...

                      But that hour we spent cooking brekfast together, giggling about his face, and our differences in brekfast favorites. We even put our differences of "how to cook eggs and make toast" aside to make my father an egg sandwich with his sunny side up eggs and my pan fried toast.

