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Do you get sad when others relationship end?

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    Do you get sad when others relationship end?

    I know, it doesnt make much sense, but when i see a couple together for years, being in LD or CD, and they break up, i get really sad, when at least one of them is a friend of mine, because i put myslf in their place.
    I made another thread asking about how long you were with your boyfriend or girlfriend before meeting in person, to tell good news to a friend of mine. well, today she broke up with her boyfriend of almost 2 years LD. and i am really really sad.

    i was wondering if im a weirdo or someone else gets sad when their friends relationships end
    our story.


    02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

    "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."

    if im good friends with the couple/person, i do get sad if the relationship was so cute and totally perfect.
    but my bestfriend recently broke up with her boyfriend of over a year, but she needed to. he was starting to get very controlling of her, but then he would go out and party and get drunk and who knows what. she is honestly better off without him hurting her.
    but if they were a super cute couple and (as an outside opinion) i didnt see anything wrong with their relationship, it is very sad.


      I feel sad for people who break up because I know that they will be going through a painful time. Even bad relationships ending hurt. I think it's normal to empathize when some one goes through that. Now, will I let it get me paranoid about my own relationship? Absolutely not.


        I dont get paranoid about it, i just know how i would feel if i was the person, thats all, i dont compare anyones relationship with mine.
        is just that couples that seem perfect for each other, that you could easily imagine marrying each other in a couple of years time suddenly breaking up is just sad. i dont spend days or hours moarning the end of their relationship, but it makes me sad anyway.
        our story.


        02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

        "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


          I do feel bad when I hear that relationships end. I know it's hard to go through a break up, so I always lend a listening ear.


            I feel bad as well whether I know the couple or not in this community but especially with friends. It does make me think a moment about my relationship and wonder if they were so perfect why did they end. I just call or text my SO and he reassures me and that's that.


              I feel bad, because breakups are rarely easy. One or both parties are going to suffer to some degree.

              "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
              - A. A. Milne


                I think it's normal, whether you're casual friends, acquaintances, or good friends with one or both people within the couple, to feel to some extent a bit of grief when their relationship ends, especially if it ends badly. My ex-best friend dated LD for almost 3 years, was in love with the guy and at one point was almost engaged to him (he stupidly popped the question during a fight, she turned him down) but when a planned visit went awry and he became possessive, obsessive, and suicidal she had to break it off. I nearly tore the man's head off because of the pain he caused her and continued causing her by harassing her, me, and other mutual friends after they'd broken up. It took her a long time to get over him enough to think about dating again and I was with her every step of the way because I felt it was my duty as a friend. Here on LFAD, I offer my condolences, honestly feel bad for them, and if I feel it's appropriate I offer my time and shoulder because I know what it's like to be hurt, I've seen my friends get hurt in the dating game so often, and no one really needs to be alone in that time.


                  I do feel bad when relationships end.


                    Originally posted by Engel View Post
                    I know, it doesnt make much sense, but when i see a couple together for years, being in LD or CD, and they break up, i get really sad, when at least one of them is a friend of mine, because i put myslf in their place.
                    I know what you mean, friends of mine broke up after being together for 4 years! But I was just as sad for myself! We lost our perfect double date couple and I felt like I lost a friend because now I never see the guy anymore.


                      I'm sad when my married friends are having problems or get divorced.
                      But when it comes to LFAD relationships, those are the worst. I hate hearing that someone on here is no longer in their relationship. I feel like I've gotten to know certain people and their SO's, and I worry about whether I'm going to hear from them anymore.

                      As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a really sentimental person. Lol.


                        I definitely feel a pang each time I hear that a couple has broken up, even if it was one I personally didn't know well. It's a tough time to go through. I always feel bad, too, because I never quite know what to say...
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          yeah, it makes me sad, too ^^;


                            Originally posted by Trethsparr View Post
                            , because I never quite know what to say...
                            That's the worst!!! Especially if it is a good friend that's really upset. You want to say something to take their pain away, or at least to express that you are there for them. But sometimes I feel like no matter how you try to sound it ends up sounding superficial or cliche.


                              did not read the comments.
                              Yes I get sad. Even doomed. Sometimes it feels like it happens to everyone and it is unavoidable and it feels like it will happen to me too. I am not quite sure how to get over it and take it more as a lesson to just love your beloved people every day and to not to forget to tell them how much they mean to you (mother, father, SO etc). It doesnt always help to not to get sad, but at least it is smth positive.

