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Finally getting to see ur SO

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    Finally getting to see ur SO

    So im planning on visiting my SO this summer, i have family near where he lives but my mom doesnt want me to spend too much time with her sister or her brother and so that would leave my grandparents but I dont really like them and they dont like me that much lol, family issues on my dads side. The only place I feel confortable would be with my maternal gramma but shes coming over during the summer to our house. :/ so if i want to spend time with him i'd have to stay at his house for about a week or so. Problem is that since I know his WHOLE family, including cousins, aunts, uncles, and gramma its going to be awkward. He talked to his parents already and he said that they were ok with it, but im going to feel a bit weird just arriving at his parents

    have anyone of u guys encountered a similar problem? if so how did u deal with it? im not sure wat to do, bcuz well i can barely afford a plane ticket, i highly doubt that i'll b able to afford a hotel :/ should i have my parents talk to his parents and check if its ok with them if i stay with them for a while?

    I don't know why it would be awkward if you already know his family. My boyfriend stayed with me and my family for 3 months and they got along amazingly. He met my entire extended family as well and they also got along with him.


      well it would be awkward because, well my extended family would see it as a bad thing, us Hispanics can sometimes over exxagerate! To them it would be like me moving in with him without the marriage! XD So my uncle whos like my father would probably see it as a bad thing, worse is that he doesnt know about my LDR and so he might get mad at me. The other problem would be his extended family, they would most likely also talk and think that maybe we are planning on marriage or something. LOL Me staying at his house would be an


        I think that you should talk to your mom about staying with your aunt. It would only be a week which isn't too long and it would save you a lot of long term drama. Just my suggestion :-)


          true but the thing is that she wont let me stay with my aunt since shes having issues of her own...and i think the bottom line is that my mom doesnt believe in our relationship, she thinks that its just a game, not worth it...and shes afraid that i'll come back pregnant XD


            My boyfriend lives with his sister and her husband, so he just had to check if it was okay with them. My parents were more concerned about us sharing a room, but they didn't say too much or stop me from going. I stayed there for 3 weeks.

            It looks like your mum isn't real pleased with either of your options. I guess you both have to decide on which option she dislikes less and go with with it.

