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Grumpy Rant

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    Grumpy Rant

    I just needed to let off a bit of steam, hope no one minds...

    Last night I sent a goodnight text (as I always do - I'm always to first one to go to bed) and got nothing back, so just assumed his phone was off or dead or whatever. I knew he was at home not doing anything so wasn't worried about him being in an accident or anything, so went off to sleep perfectly happy.

    Two hours later, my phone woke me up with a text. I'm not the happiest of people when I get woken up - everyone who has ever needed to wake me up knows to bring gifts of tea or kisses (or both) lol. I read it and then got even more grumpy, as the text just said 'Soz dam thing was on silent'. No 'goodnight', no x at the end, no telling me not to stress about tomorrow (now today just gone) as he knew I was. Nothing. So I went back to sleep without replying and woke up in an even worse 'I hate mornings' mode than usual.

    I would just like to mention that I know even one text from your SO is something special for some people in LDRs but not for us - we're in the same country and both have unlimited texts on our mobiles.

    Now, after hardly speaking all day (I replied to 'good morning have a good day' with 'OK' on account of being mad and grumpy) I've just sent him 'night' and got the same back I know he knows I'm mad and grumpy with him. But he hasn't figured out why and probably thinks I'm upset for not replying last night. Actually, it's because he texted me two hours after he knew I would be asleep, and he knows that I have my phone on the whole time just in case, and that it was a crappy message. He woke me up for no reason!! I would have much rather he waited another 6-8 hours.

    Seeing this all typed does make it sound stupid, but I'm grumpy.

    Well people are not mind readers.. tell him how you feel. :P


      Doesn't mean I can't be grumpy :P
      I have now sent him a text saying that I'm tired of being grumpy with him now... whether or not that will come to anything before I fall asleep is anyones guess hehe.


        Oh I know. I get so grumpy when my SO does that do me. :/ He's really sweet normally, but sometimes... I try to sigh and tell myself how he really feels and that it's one of the things that goes unsaid sometimes. *hugs*


          Ah, Ranting. I understand how that is; You just need to get some frustration off of you.
          My SO's done that to me a few times. He's texted me at 5:30 in the morning saying he's going to bed and I know he's trying to be sweet, but I still get mad at him sometimes for it. If he thinks like my SO thinks, he might just trying to be sweet. Waking up to read a sweet/any text is enjoyable for even SD couples.
          Just remember to tell him how you feel about late night texts and to gently add that if he does it in the future, too add a '<3' or a 'x' at the end n.n A little reminder goes a long way


            Urg he replied to the one I sent two hours later, and managed to wake me up again! So... I kinda lost my temper and we ended up having a massive fight which was probably mostly my fault. He took so long to answer my texts that I managed to fall asleep inbetween messages and then every time he woke me up again I got even more angry. He ended up saying that he refuses to talk to me when we're both angry, so I sent one back saying that he'd be waiting a long time. I had to check my phone when I woke up to see if I'd drempt that or not. I hate my temper... and it's always the people I love who end up on the recieving line. AHHHHH


              im not gonna lie, So_Far_Away, i saw your user name and thought of an old member from the other site that now is on here but no longer in an LDR thats sofaraway and i was like OMG! ITS TIM!

              sorry. about that. just needed to tell you all.


                I know - I did it to confuse you all BWAHAHAHA. It's worked quite well so far I was on the old forums too but changed name lol.



