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1 month long distance relationship help

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    1 month long distance relationship help

    Hello, i just got done talking to my mom about my girlfriend brittney. Brittney and i live a little over 3 hours apart, I live in Harlan,Iowa and She lives in Waverly,Iowa. We met online using a website called MyYearbook. We have been dating for a month and 1 week now. We both love each other and talk almost everyday on the phone, im a 18 year old junior in high school while she is a 16 year old sophmore. My mom said this would never work because the distances are too great and that LDRs are really hard when your in high school. Me and brittney really want to make this work she is completing drivers ed in may so she can drive down here during the summer. Im not sure what to do i love brittney to death and she loves me and i dont want to break up because of the distance between us. I want to prove my parents wrong and defy the distance and make it work between us together as bf and gf. Any advice

    Work on developing your relationship, and ignore the naysayers. Talk, about everything. Don't be afraid to love. Find out what things make her feel loved, and do them, often and preferably daily if possible. Read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman if you feel like oyu're not getting it right.

    And keep living your own life. Make sure you still hang with friends, volunteer, work, go to college - whatever your goals are, don't stop them for the relationship. Work with them and your relationship. Good luck.

    LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


      thank you soo much i really love brittney and shes my first girlfriend and i dont want to loose her because of the distance between us. We both love eachother soo much and we both want to be together.

