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My SO left, and I am so tired/sad/apathetic

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    My SO left, and I am so tired/sad/apathetic

    Hi LFAD members,
    I was not online for a while because my SO was here in New York with me!!! We had a great time and I wanted to share my happiness with you, but I didn't have time to use Internet, eheheh!
    Now he is back in Utah, and even though we are going to meet in less than 2 week (God bless Spring Break!), I feel so sad and tired. I have 5 exams in the next 10 days, before Spring Break, and I have no energies at all.
    I thought that seeing him would have helped me to relax, recharge my batteries, and find the concentration to deal with my studies. But as he left, I felt I was exausted and I just wanted to cry.
    Is it just me? How do you feel when your SO leave? (I don't mean crying like "I'm going to miss you so much", that's another feeling).

    Now I have to try to stay focussed on my studies, and not dreaming about Spring Break.

    Well, I think the good thing is that a) you get to see him in less than 2 weeks, and b) you have plenty to distract you.

    Maybe you should take a night to yourself to just be sad, or you should take a night and hang out with friends and do something fun... whatever you prefer. I personally prefer being alone, but I realize others may be better with good company. After that, maybe you will be more recharged and ready to tread on with your exams. By the time your exams are over with it will be time to be with your SO again. You don't have much time to go! Just try to stay positive and look at the light at the end of the tunnel. Think of all the fun times you had with your SO and try not to dwell on the fact you miss him so much. I know, easier said than done!


      I'm glad you guys had a good time (: thats wonderful.
      what i do to cope with him just leaving is think about all the good times we had, the laughs, the places we went, then think about the next time he visits, we will be able to do it all again. look forward to the next time you see him! i even count down the days to help remind me that its getting closer and closer.
      after he left last time, he called me that night and we talked for a few hours, and it helped alot to hear his voice and talk about everything we did and next time we will be together (:
      hope you feel better, and good luck on your tests!


        Oh my God. Seriously, we sound like the SAME EXACT PERSON! My boyfriend was just home for a week and left for school on Saturday. I'm seeing him again in 9 days! At the time, it was about 2 weeks away. I've had a lot of things to do for school too and I'm just not motivated because of spring break...mine is this coming week. Just try and think about how much fun you had with him and before you know it, you'll be reunited again! 2 weeks is really not that long, I know you'd love to be with him all the time, as would we all. When my boyfriend leaves, I get really sad and actually go into survival mode. I don't feel like eating or doing anything. All I want to do is cry and mope around. I let myself mope for a day or two. Sometimes it takes a little longer to get me motivated again, but I continue on with my daily routine and try to keep myself busy, with schoolwork and friends and family. It's hard to get back into school mode. I told myself I'd study after my boyfriend went back, but I just couldn't bring myself to open up the book. Worst idea ever, because I had to cram the night before! Try if you can to just stay focused....easier said than done. You can think about spring break! Hell, it's been on my mind since I made the plans in December to visit my boyfriend for the weekend during my spring break! Hang in's rough but it will get better! =]

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          Yesterday I finished to study at 10.30pm : in total I did 8h study + I went to 1 class + I also went to the gym! I was VERY satisfied of myself, and this helped me to feel better. I didn't really have time to hang out with firends, but we had lunch and dinner together at the dining hall. While studying I was forced to be alone. It can help! I thought A LOT about my SO, and when I finished to study (for him it was 8.30pm), our 1h call was the best relief ever!
          Thank you for your support: today is a better day (even though in NY the weather sucks!) and I have to finish to study international business for my exam, tomorrow: the 1st of 5! And then .... Spring Break!!!
          Have a great day!

