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What do you do before you go see your SO?

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    What do you do before you go see your SO?

    I am SOOOO excited!! My spring break just started and I will be flying off on Sunday morning to see my SO. I've missed him so much !

    I have some questions for everyone out there for fun!
    1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
    My mind races madly. I usually hang out with friends/family to see them one more time before I head off but after I hang with them, I'll look at the clock and realize I still have SO much time left. AHHH!
    2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
    I am an incredibly antsy person the day before I travel, but come travel day I am usually rather calm until I land at the airport.
    3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
    I listen to my iPod, I watch a movie on my laptop, or play the Sims 3. I usually have to take two planes (one layover) to get there and depending on where my layover destination is, my flights are roughly 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours each.
    4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
    I am a BIG TIME window seat person. However, if need be, I do not mind the aisle seat. But I do not care for the middle seat. I travel with Southwest a lot so I get to choose where I want to sit. I CAN NOT sleep on a plane. But if I ever get that rare opportunity that my body will allow me to do so, I HAVE to be by the window. Also, I feel like I am out of way and that I won't disturb anyone with the light of my laptop cause I can turn it toward me and the window (if I am on a night/super early morning flight).

    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*

    I get a full Brazilian and pack ALL the toys into a suitcase (if we're staying in a hotel)...

    I haven't gone to see him yet, he's come to me the two times we've visited. I get super antsy waiting in the airport though. Last time I felt like I was either going to pass out or throw up.


      You must be excited

      1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel?

      I recently visited my guy and the day before I had a doctors appointment so I kept myself busy but going into town then when I got home I tried to get some sleep (failed of course lol)

      2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
      I'm a stresser so I worry all the time, I'm a very impatient person too so they both kind of build up, but I find once I'm on the plane I'm a little calmer.

      3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
      Just the flight from Melbourne to Birmingham is 26hrs so I have a LOT of time to waste. I normally try to sleep or even just rest, especially when its dark. I have an eye mask and travel pillow which helps, other then that I watch in flight movies and tv shows, play my brothers DSi and listen to my ipod.... ok this will sound weird but what has helped me with passing the time is enjoying the food, eating slowly, even just waiting for the food seems to make time fly lol

      4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
      Aisle, I like to be able to get up whenever I like. I've flown with emirates and you can pick you're own seats and depending on the flight you might be lucky to have extra space, I got to lay down over 3 seats on a couple of my flights.
      Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


        1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).

        I don't usually do anything different from my normal routine. I usually add in going shopping for extra things that I need while I'll be gone, but usually, just my normal routine.

        2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
        I'm really calm until the plane lands. Then, I can't wait to see him, and I get really antsy.

        3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
        My SO lives in England so it's usually at least a 10 hour flight for me. I get through it by reading, watching movies, and sleeping. I recently started being able to sleep on the plane.

        4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
        I definitely prefer the window seat. I like being able to look out the window and know that I'm close to seeing him again.
        "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

        "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

        Met: August 22, 2010
        Made it official: September 17, 2010
        Got engaged: January 15, 2012
        Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
        Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
        Got married: November 21, 2012
        Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
        Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


          Well I guess I will answer with how I dealt with my previous trips.

          1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
          Before leaving, I'd pack, and then talk to Garnet pretty much until it was time to get to sleep. Of course, with how long my flight had to be, which was usually about 13 hours with the layovers, I had to get up super early for red eye flights, and had to try and sleep early for that. Getting to sleep the day before was definitely the hardest part, cause the mind just won't stop thinking about all of it!

          2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
          I've done a lot of traveling via plane, and it didn't really hit me that it was real and actually happening until about half way through the shuttle ride, and I'd wonder if she'd like me/still like me in person or not. :P My second trip, I definitely was not calm when immigration decided to pull me aside and grill me though lol. >.> <.<

          3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
          Oh boy, well. I spent many many hours killing time with Sudoku puzzles. Plus on every set of 3 flights (Going to or back), I'd have one person sitting next to me who was talkative, so I'd wow them with my story about going to meet my LD girlfriend/fiancee, ask them if they're going or leaving home, business or pleasure, etc. etc.

          4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
          Oh I've always loved the window seat, you just get so many options. You can put down the cover and lean against the wall and try to sleep if you're tired, or open up the shades and enjoy the scenery, especially when just leaving/arriving at a city you've barely been to before. Only downside is having to ask to get out to use the restroom for those longer flights. It's my personal preference to be greedy and have the other two seats empty. :P


            Have a safe and fun trip on Sunday!!

            1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel?
            I will be too nervous to do something, so all I do is sit in front of my computer and chat with my SO. If he's not online (because of work or busy with something els) then I spend time reading manga or watch anime.

            2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
            I get very very VERY nervous!! lol... I always try to stay calm but it's not easy.

            3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
            Sleep... lol. Sometime I watch movies, but most of my time I sleep.

            4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
            It depends though. When I'm on period then I prefer to sit at the aisle seat because easier for me to go to the bathroom. Otherwise I prefer the window because I feel less sick when the plane land (I have airsickness/motion sickness). I don't like middle seat.


              1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel?
              Usually, I am working the day before I leave to visit, so my job keeps me busy - just looking at that stack of files, emails, and work lists is enough to keep me focused because I know it will only be more once I get back. However once I get home, I start feeling anxious and re-check my bags a million times to make sure I have everything I need. If my son is coming too, then it takes twice as long because I have to make sure he's packed properly and that he's got enough to keep him occupied.
              2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
              Antsy - I just want to get on the plane and get moving. I'm usually calmer once I am in the air but the closer it gets to landing time, the antsy gets ramped up again
              3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
              I bring my Ipod and a book. My son brings his Nintendo and a book. I only have a netbook, so I can't bring a laptop and watch a movie on it.
              4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
              If I am by myself, I will usually try and grab a window seat. Although an aisle seat is great to have on a crowded flight because then you can get out and off he plane in less time. If my son travels with me, then he gets the window and I get the middle. Not my favorite seat to have, but he's only flown one round trip flight, so it's exciting to him to sit by the window.


                1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
                I usually charge everything on last time. Laptop, iPod, camera, cell phone.

                2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                I'm really nervous. But it's a wonderful feeling. Even though it can keep me up all night.

                3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                I always try watching their movies, but I'm too nervous to concentrate on anything so I give up after the first few minutes. The same thing happens when I'm trying to read a book or listen to some music. I just cannot concentrate. I also can't sleep. Never could. It's way too uncomfortable on a plane for me to do that.

                4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                Aisle seat. Simply because I don't want to ask people to get up when I have to use the bathroom. Also when I just want to get up to stretch my legs.


                  1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
                  I usually call my mum, go over to my best friend's to wish her a nice week(end - depending on how long I'm going), go through uni stuff. This semester I always went to the airport right after classes, though. So I had a lecture and a language course, before I left.
                  The day before I also deep condition my hair, do a peeling and generally make sure I'll look my best
                  2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                  Neither nor. Once I'm at the airport I probably have a huge really stupid looking smile on my face and I'm super nice to everyone I have to deal with there and I'm just generally very very happy.

                  3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                  By plane it's just under two hours, so there's not much time to kill. I sleep, eat the sandwich, drink sprite (flying is the only time I'll drink soft drinks eg sprite. I hate sweet drinks usually) or read something for my classes.
                  It's a bit longer by train (~10h), so I read, listen to music, chat with the other passengers, eat, text my boyfriend or sleep.

                  4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                  I always chose window seats. In the plane I wouldn't mind an aisle seat too much but in the train it needs to be a window seat. There's so much to see and it's more comfortable to sleep.

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel?
                    I make lists of everything I need and pack, I also tend to go out and buy food for the journey and treats for me SO.

                    2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                    I get really antsy. I can feel my heart getting really excited and I'm like aaahh. I'm a pretty panicy person so it makes me go a bit insane and not be able to sit still.

                    3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                    Listen to my music, Read or play on my DS, When I'm on the train I like to look out the window.

                    4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                    I don't fly, but when I'm on the train I sit by the window, because I like to look outside.


                      1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
                      Usually before I travel, I am busy getting my kids ready for whereever they will be staying (normally a trip to dad's), and I am trying to get the house in order so that I don't come home to chaos. In addition, I am normally doing some personal upkeep, like making sure everything is shaved, my hair is freshly colored, etc. I pack at the last minute, so I am usually doing laundry and scrambling around trying to get everything together. If I drive there, sometimes I have to get my oil changed that day. I load my ipod up with some new songs as well.
                      2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                      I am calm, but inside my head, I am really excited. I am usually in a great mood because I know I don't have to wait much longer to see him.
                      3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                      If I fly, I typically plug in my ipod and read my kindle. If I drive, I usually listen to xm radio... I like listening to talk radio in the car because it makes me feel like I have company. If I am not listening to the radio, I plug in my ipod to my car speakers.
                      4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                      I prefer the window but I also don't mind the aisle. My flight is only a little over an hour, so it's so short that it doesn't really matter what seat I get. I also like to sit near the front of the plane so that when we land, I can rush off to see my SO sooner.


                        1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
                        I'm usually running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Last minute girly stuff -nails, waxing, shaving, plucking. Remember I have to not only pack myself but my daughter off to her dad's house. So I have to make sure her uniforms are cleaned and pressed. Picking up last minute travel-sized toiletries.

                        2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                        I'm pretty calm until the flight lands - then I want off that airplane and into The Boy's arms! This last flight I was antsy more because the flight was delayed.

                        3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                        I made the decision to bring my laptop this last time and that was great, due to the delay. I was able to use the free wi-fi to get on the Internet, check some things out, communicate via Yahoo and Twitter, and charge my phone. On the plane, I always listen to music. I have close to 500 songs downloaded on the Crackberry - more than enough to get me through the flight(s).

                        4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                        Honestly I prefer the exit row. More leg room. If I can get exit row, aisle seat, I'm in heaven! Otherwise, just an aisle seat. I like the extra room I can get by leaning over into the aisle a little bit. Also makes it easier for me to go to the bathroom and to jump up to get off the plane when we land.

                        When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                        True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                        When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                        1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                          1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).
                          I usually pack about 2-3 days in advance, so the day before I dont have to worry about forgetting anything. Although I'm generally still chucking stuff in the day before!

                          I'm generally pretty calm, otherwise I wont sleep so I try not to think about it, just zone out watching TV and try and get an early night.

                          2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?
                          Try to remain calm, but I'll suddenly get these bursts of excitable emotion. Very much like that 5yr old kid feeling on Christmas morning. (Anyone remember that)

                          3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?
                          Plane, 10 hour flight. Ech. I try and keep it varied. Although I have the ability to loose myself in TV series/books etc when I'm at home, on a plane I loose focus far too easily. So I bring a few magazines, couple of books, projects on my laptop, and also watch a lot of the in-flight movies.

                          4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                          Window seat, I love seeing the view of take off and landing. Also I like to not be disturbed when I'm sleeping etc. I am a real pain and want to get up to pee/stretch my legs etc at least 5 times, but I'm always super super polite and apologetic about it, and wait until a time when they hopefully wont mind too much (just as they're putting their book away, before watching a movie etc)
                          Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

                          Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

                          And remember....Love really IS all around.


                            1) What do you do to keep yourself busy the day before you travel? (Besides pack, obviously).

                            I havent gone to see him yet, but based on how i know myself, i would take a really really long time to pack. then i would talk to him ALOT. then i would sit there and think about all the stuff we're gonna do(: etc.

                            2) Do you usually remain calm or are you antsy with each passing second?

                            When i'm in the airport waiting for him to walk through the gate, i get more and more nervous every second. i always check the time, my phone, then look back up to see if hes walking towards me yet.

                            3) What are some things you do on the plane/bus to kill time?

                            sleep, listen to musicc, text or call him whenever i can.
                            he does the same thing when hes on his way here (:

                            4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?

                            when i fly i love the window seat cuz i love looking down and seeing everything from a new point of view (:


                              Originally posted by BabyGund View Post
                              4) For those of you who fly, do you prefer aisle seat, middle, or window? Why?
                              Honestly I prefer the exit row. More leg room. If I can get exit row, aisle seat, I'm in heaven! Otherwise, just an aisle seat. I like the extra room I can get by leaning over into the aisle a little bit. Also makes it easier for me to go to the bathroom and to jump up to get off the plane when we land.
                              I never thought about the extra leg room! :O Oh my gosh! I will definitely have to do that! And yes, 100% agree with having the aisle on the last flight so you are the first to stand and the first to leave in your row !

                              *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*

