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Changing Scents

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    Changing Scents

    In other threads, we have talked about the important connection of positive memories with the scents that our SOs wear. What if you or they were to change some of the manufactured scents (colognes, perfumes, body sprays, lotions, etc.) they wear?

    The reason I ask is because I have a bottle of scented lotion that I received as a gift from my previous dance teacher. Every time I have been around my SO in-person or sent him a letter, I try and use that scent somehow. However, the lotion is running out and I have no idea where my dance teacher got it from (probably a little niche store where I used to live), so I can't get more. So, I have considered switching to a new scent (for me, I might consider Satsuma from The Body Shop, because I do like the smell/ can tolerate it with my allergies, it is similar to the lotion because it is citrus-y, and although The Body Shop is a ferry ride away, at least I would know where to refresh my supply).

    I worry that he wouldn't really tie any memories to the new scent choice and would have to wait until we were in person to try and introduce it as a contender. Plus, I realized recently that my sister wears Satsuma...would that be weird if he got used to me smelling that way and came to visit and my sister smelled like me? o.O;

    Well, I always use Bruno Banani's Pure Woman, but one time I ran out and had to use another one and my SO told me: "I'm cuddling my soft toy right now and it smells like Bruno Banani, but you don't smell like that anymore. " Awww.

    I did use another perfume for my letters though and, while it was new for her, she really liked it.


      I wouldn't worry too much about not having a memory to tie the scent to. Making new memories is essential for relationships. Which ever new scent you decide to use I would spray some on the new few letters you send him or make that scent special to cards only. And let him know, because some guys don't notice the change. Have you tried looking for the other lotion online?


        You could also make it like a "Hey, I'm trying to pick out a new scent what do you think about... this one?" type of thing so that way he has a say in the way you smell too?


          I have this problem, because I'm always changing my scent. I cycle through shampoos and conditioners regularly, so my hair never smells the same and I rotate three or four different perfumes. He has told me that I smell good, but never mentioned anything about "my scent." I try to always wear the same perfume around him, but he seems more interested in my natural scent. He says my sweat turns him on (which I find strange, but I kind of understand). It reminds him of our intimate time together.

          You could suggest that you're looking for a new scent and ask for suggestions or even encourage him to pick out a scent that he likes and buy it for you as a gift. My SO did that when his favorite cologne was retired and he couldn't find it anymore. He asked for a new cologne of my choosing for Christmas so that he knew it would be something I liked.


            I try to keep my perfume consistent with my SO, but I really like switching it up. On his care packages, I always spray the same scent because I know he likes it, but that means I have to commit to that one when he's here. I am hooked on the scent of my boyfriend's deodorant. *swoon* I bought a stick of it, so I can smell it any time. I noticed the last time he was here, he didn't smell like it....I think it was his natural scent. It still smelled great, because it's him, but I kind of missed the smell of his deodorant. I'd love when he'd put his arm around me and the scent would get on my clothes. I'm visiting him at school, and I know for a fact he uses that deodorant at school, so I may get to smell it on him again! It smells that much better when it's on him because it mixes with his natural scent.

            @Mfashnik, about the sweat thing....I've noticed that my boyfriend and I both sweat more around each other. It's a release of pheromones, which attract people to each other, which may be why he really likes your natural scent.

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              I don't really wear scented stuff. My bodywash is unscented, my shampoo smells only of mint, and I don't wear lotion. I have a perfume I wear now and again but I didn't wear it on the plane ride there and forgot the bottle was in my luggage so I never put it on while he was there. I'm sure he wears some sort of male body spray similar to AXE and I wouldn't really care if he did switch up or stopped wearing it. I've smelled the man after 2 days without a shower. If I can handle that, I'll get over him wearing some other man-perfume.

