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A little advice?

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    A little advice?

    So my bf is finally comming in June this year! im so excited and just excited!! We've been waiting for this for about 2 years. So when he comes I want to spend the whole time with him and just be with him. But my mom doesn't want me alone with him in the same town. I already agreed with her she will be there the first week. And the 2nd week me and him are going to my parents town. But after that we plan to go off on our own and site see and basically have a vacation just the two of us. But my mom believes we will be staying there the entire time. That he will be at a hotel and i'll be staying at there house. I haven't told her anything else of my plans. Do you think this is wrong and I should tell her? I will be 19 by then, and been with him for 2 years. And the first 2 weeks will be with family, so they can meet him and see. My SO reminds me that its my life, but its hard because my parents always have had a big input in my life. Should I let my mom know my plans?
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3

    You're an adult, frankly I'd be miffed if my mom was still playing that sort of game by now. I can understand caution and perhaps wanting to meet him, but after that there's no real reason she needs to stick around. On the same note, you have no obligation to tell her your plans. I can understand your parents play a big role in your life, my mom does too even though I'm 21, but I didn't relay every detail of my trip to her because really, whose relationship is it? Mine. Your parents aren't dating your boyfriend therefore they're not calling the shots. They can have opinions, but that's about it.

    There's no reason you shouldn't have a good time with him, alone. You only get so much time with him after waiting 2 years, I think it's fair to tell your parents to back off and let you be an adult for a bit.

