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i think im being a brat..

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    i think im being a brat..

    but i cant get over my feelings. my so is in afghanistan and we usually talk everyday, im lucky. this morning was the first time i've talked to him in a week. i was going crazy but i figured that he was away from a phone area. he called and i was a little disoriented, it was 4 in the morning for me.

    well he told me that they had been busy and he went to a new base for a few days and they didnt have a phone area. no biggy. he said he has been busy during the day and at night he has to get rest. i kinda took this as he doesnt have time. he would go out of his way just to call me and tell me he loves me. our conversation was short and sweet. nothing seemed different. he told me he missed me and how much he loves me, the usual. things have gotten harder for me. we've only got two months left but im going crazy because i miss him all the time. i dont wanna break up at all though.

    when i was in the shower, i started thinking. i am the kind of person that worries about everything. well. i was thinking, he doesnt have time for me? why has he gone a week without calling me? i couldnt get the answer to these questions because he only had five minutes and i wasnt thinking that early in the morning. now im upset. am i being a brat? selffish? i know he is in a war and i shouldnt be like this. i should be understanding. ive been upset all week because ive been missing him. am i worrying about nothing? someone please help.
    Last edited by adielovesshelbs; March 15, 2011, 08:44 AM.

    I know just how you feel. Really. My SO is stationed in Europe and we email every day and he calls on the weekends but he cancelled his iPhone service so he could get internet at home so he could only use the internet at work which he shouldn't use much at all for personal use. Then a shooting happened so he was busy taking care of that unfortunate situation. Anyway I didn't hear from him for a week either and towards the end I was going stir crazy. When he called on the weekend I was uneasy, and like you said.. being a brat.
    I have never been in the military myself, although once upon a time I was married to a Marine. It's hard. Very hard. And like you, I have a tendency to sit and wonder. I over analyze and it makes me crazy. I would say just find comfort in knowing that he does love you and that he did call when he had the chance. As women we have an intuition that should rarely be ignored. I'm sure he is busy with everything on base. I recently found a great quote... "Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough". I hope that helps. Chin up.


      I definitely think you are worrying over nothing. He said he wasn't in a phone area which I dont see why he would lie about. The phone call didn't seem any different you said, no distance to his voice. f he was busy moving to a new base its possible he was quite busy and when he did have that free time in the evening he really just wanted to sleep or have some down time. I know that when I am tired or hormonal as much as I want to call and talk to my SO I usually don't because I end up getting annoyed easily and I don't want to call and not be the happiest person I cam when we talk. Stop worrying, only 2 months till you are together!! The last leg is always the hardest, you can see the finish line, it just seems like forever to get there.


        You sound like me. Although, we talk and txt all day long. On a day he is off work and it goes hours before I hear from him. I start to play mind games with myself. Re doing our last conversation, trying to think what is he doing blah blah blah... which nothing has changed or gone on. It's just the knowing I am not going to see him later today or the next day and so on.

        Sounds to me that he is just very busy. And you said yourself everything seemed fine, no change. Focus on that and other positive conversations you have. It's real easy to go right to the worring when in a LDR, I have been getting better about trying to do more positive self talk instead of going right for the negative.

        The positive self talk, and reminding myself of all the trust and love we have. Helps me when I start to have racing thoughts. Trust me when I say I am not good at the LDR. which has been about 9 months. Not sure when we will close the distance either, but I know we will and it will be wonderful!


          I so go through this! Right now my boyfriends busy with alot going on, he's let me know in advance that he was going to be busy. We used to talk all the time, but now its a few times a week. And it gets really hard for me sometimes. I feel neglected and I sometimes think, he need to give more time, he can put aside a extra 10-15 minutes a day? Hes forgetting me, and i need more. or I deserve better. And then I feel really guilty. Cause he loves me, and I love him so much. Guys think diffrently then girls, they don't know how we need the constant attention and how when we dont get it we go crazy haha. No but I say wait it through. Your just going through a rough patch in the relationship. Ive had those alot, it will get better, he will see how you two haven't been spending alot of time and make more, or ask him to set up a day for you two to spend, ask him to look when he wil be free, or can make room in his day to make free, and plan it for you two. it will give you something to look forward to, and for the days leading up to that, relax and do your own thing. have fun, go out shopping, hang with friends.
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            I think it is normal to feel like that when you are used to a certain amount of communication and you get less. I don't think it's bratty. You just get used to routine communication and when it doesn't happen, you feel the absence. It can sometimes make a person draw all kinds of conclusions and make a lot of worries come to the service. I am a worrier too, so I can relate to you!

            You just miss your guy and love talking to him, so I don't think you're being bratty or unreasonable. It sounds like you understand that things beyond his control come up due to he nature of what he's doing, so that's the best you can do. There's nothing wrong with being bummed out about it, just as long as you give him some understanding.

            Also, I find when there are changes and things are stressful at work, sometimes my guy lessens his communication. Also, my guy is the type that when he's tired, he's extremely useless when it comes to communicating with me. I think that's normal with some people. I don't think you have anything to worry about.


              thank you ladies, so much. i had lunch with my mom, i was really bummed but she knows both of us and she said there is nothing to worry about. i also consulted my friends who were around both of us and the friends that know how crazy me and my so are about eachother. and they pretty much said everything that ya'll said. deep down, i know everything is okay but its easy to freak yourself out. im thankful that i have such an amazing boyfriend.

              the last little bit is always the worst, it goes by so slow. it stinks. i really appericate everyone giving supporting words. its nice to have people who are in the same situation to turn to. it helps ease the worries. thanks again

