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When saying goodbye...

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    When saying goodbye...

    This might seem silly, but it takes forever for my SO and I to say 'Bye' to each other when one of us is leaving. Mostly, it's on his part. I'm more inclined to be like - "Bye, Je t'aime!" And peace out from there.

    While he has to say different variations of bye, and tell me he loves me two times at least. If I leave to quickly, it hurts his feelings and gives him the impression I really truly wanted to leave. It happened only once, but since then - I've been giving into the long good-byes...

    Does anyone else experience this? It's not world shattering and I know it's because of how much he loves me, but sometimes it can be annoying. >.<

    Yes! This happens to my guy and I as well! It's not too bad but I think it's both of us doing it most days.. I know I sort of feel if I didn't, he might take it the wrong way.. it helps though because we sort of have a routine of what we say before hanging up skype or whatever. but sometimes its more difficult or long to say goodbye.

    Sometimes I really have to go right away so I make myself cut it short and make sure he knows I love him but really have to go and hang up sooner. but usually I don't have to worry about it that much, so it's just sweet.


      I'm guilty of a long goodbye XD My SO and I have a 2 hour time difference and he stays up late, so I'm always going to bed before he is. Before I go to bed, however, I tend to linger around my computer, doing little things even after I said I should be going to bed. Then, after I close up my computer, I tend to.. em... get on my phone and leave him a cute little message before I fall asleep. That sometimes spurs another conversation that keeps me up even later, until either I'm too tired and actually do say my final goodnight, or until I pass out in the middle of the conversation.

      I've never been up later than my SO, but even if we're going to bed around the same time we linger. He kind'a fuels the habit, but he tries harder than I do to get me to go to sleep when I say I should.


        My SO and I also have long goodbyes.

        I just don't want to leave her or let her go.

        It's horrible and painful.


          I like long goodbyes and my SO likes short goodbyes. He doesn't like the emotions involved with them, I think. It kind of drives me batty because I want him to be all mushy and act like he can't live without me. He's just not like that though. He treats goodbyes like pulling off a band-aid. I have just grown to accept our short goodbyes. It would hurt my feelings at first, but then one time he just told me he doesn't want to have our goodbyes be sad, so then I kind of understood that his short goodbye was a way to prevent it from becoming something super emotional and painful.


            I'm terrible at goodbyes. /: I'm sure he finds it annoying sometimes, but he mostly lets me say bye and tell me he loves me until I'm satisfied and can go to sleep. If he has to go to work/school before I go to bed (16 hour time difference) we'd be on skype until the absolute last second he can afford to leave. When it's time for me to go to work I somehow say random things that spark new conversation until oh no, I'm going to be late! I can get so clingy I annoy me. /:


              Our goodbyes are a little long. But, sometimes I will make it quicker, becasue I am usually crying and it hurts too bad. Where, I have to leave and not look back. That's from visits.


                When we're saying goodbye when one of us is leaving, I prefer the longer goodbye. He lingers a little bit, but I would like for him to stay with me until the last possible second. It's the sameon Skype.
                "I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms again."

                "It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The what makes it great! -A League of Their Own

                Met: August 22, 2010
                Made it official: September 17, 2010
                Got engaged: January 15, 2012
                Our First Visit: November 18, 2010-November 28, 2010
                Our Seventh (and Last) Visit: November 10, 2012-November 24, 2012
                Got married: November 21, 2012
                Big Wedding Date: May 25, 2013
                Closed the Distance: June 2, 2013


                  If we're talking on MSN or texting, we'll only say bye once in awhile lol. Our convos can end abruptly because one person gets busy with schoolwork or something, but that's what we're used to and have always done, even before we were a couple. Phone conversations, we tend to be like "Oh, I'm going to go get this done now..." and then we'll get sidetracked again and stay on the phone much longer, which I love lol. But, we always end phone conversations with a decent goodbye and "I love you's." When he leaves to go back to school, those goodbyes are prolonged big time. We both try to delay the goodbye as long as possible because we don't want to be apart again. It's so painful to say goodbye, but at least we know it's temporary.

                  "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                  Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                    In person, our goodbyes are pretty horrible. He never wants to let me go so he stays with me until the last second possible. He doesn't smile or joke or do any of his normal things and it seems he's only holding himself together for my sake. Things are always prolonged too by my crying which I'm never sure if I'm crying because I'm sad or because he is. Maybe just the situation as a whole.

                    At night and at the end of conversations, our goodbyes are long as well. We really just can't stand to let each other go.


                      Because I started this post... I felt it was best to actually discuss it with him, instead of letting it to be that annoyance that makes me twitch every so often. He actually agrees a little bit with me, but wanted to always make sure I understood how much he loved me.. ^.^; Since, we always talk before I go to sleep.. (The man NEVER sleeps), we've decided that will typically be our 'long goodbye' as we have fallen into a routine for 'good nights'. And if we're talking during the day, one of us will say if we have to leave soon, and not right at that moment. Which is typically me, because my day is during his night. So, he won't feel slighted, and I won't feel obligated.


                        me and my so both say i love you atleast two times. it takes us forever to get off the phone. my friends get very annoyed with this. i must admit that after almost 8 months, it hasnt got old yet. i really like it. i always wait for my so to hang up before i go. it makes me feel in a way that he is safe. im weird.


                          My SO and I are both pretty bad at saying goodbye. At the airport I try to rush off so he doesn't see me fall apart and he just wants to hold me close. He falls apart after he leaves too though. When we are on the phone we say bye at least 5 times lol we end up talking about something else until my SO says ok babe I'm going to go do this or I say I'm gonna finish whatever. He always texts me immediately after we hang up or Skype saying he misses me or just Hi we usually fall asleep in the middle of texting each other. I'm usually the one that falls asleep and he is three hours ahead of me smh! I don't think either of us ever wants to get off the phone and I never get tired of hearing his voice.

