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Daylight Savings

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    This discussion was so interesting! I didn't know that there were countries that didn't do Daylight Saving Time. Italy does, France does, Spain does, Germany does, Malta does, Croata does, USA does (these are the countries where I have been living), so I just took for granted that it was the rule all over the world.
    By the way, I do think that it still makes sense, even though we use a lot of electronic items. It really helps to save a bit of electricity!


      I don't mind daylight savings, during March to Oct my guy and I have only 9 hours difference (I'm aus, he's england) but Oct to March it's 11 hours which isn't as good, it's hard staying up so late to talk to him when I have uni and other commitments.
      Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


        Nicaragua, where my SO lives, doesn't have it. I explained to him the other day what it was...I thought it was cute he didn't know...
        now we're 2 hours apart, instead of our previous 1 hour...I feel really spoiled in that aspect...must be super hard having a 16 hour time difference


          I woke up Sunday to my cell being automatically updated...but my laptop pushed ahead two was the craziest thing...trying to figure out what time it was...and I can honestly say I couldn't body had no idea...and usually I can tell just by how I feel.
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Aw, I know what you mean! I have the same problem as you (fellow Singaporeans, yay!). Usually, I just remember that mornings to mid afternoons (3pm or 4pm) are when he's up and about at night and before he sleeps, and just before I sleep is when he's going to be up. I also set one of my clocks to the USA time (my itouch, in this case), and it's basically a US TIME + 12 HRS + 3 / 4 HOURS.

            So, basically. "SPRING FORWARD, FALL BACKWARDS".


              We don't observe DST here in PR. Jon is in Texas so, of course, they observe it but it comes as an advantage since we're usually on a 2-hour time difference and now with DST is only 1 hour.


                I gave up trying to count and bought another watch and set it to my SO's time, at the moment its 6 hours but that will change back to seven at the end of the month. Daylight savings time is pointless, i have no idea why we still use it.
                As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                  Originally posted by sheraccoon View Post
                  Aw, I know what you mean! I have the same problem as you (fellow Singaporeans, yay!). Usually, I just remember that mornings to mid afternoons (3pm or 4pm) are when he's up and about at night and before he sleeps, and just before I sleep is when he's going to be up. I also set one of my clocks to the USA time (my itouch, in this case), and it's basically a US TIME + 12 HRS + 3 / 4 HOURS.

                  So, basically. "SPRING FORWARD, FALL BACKWARDS".
                  Yeah, at first, the calculations without daylight savings were hard enough. But, we get used to it over time. I just count SG time - 3 hours = PDT.

