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It's what dreams are made of

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    It's what dreams are made of

    Still in Virginia for a few more days. I have been pretty scarce but can you blame me? =) These visits are so very important to both myself and Kevin. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to curl up next to him, and feel him instinctively wrap his arms around me. It's fantastic to be able to sleep in his arms. I think for me, these visits are the most rewarding part of our relationship. During the visits, it's really nice to feel my heart skip a beat when he kisses me, or to hear his heart speed up when I snuggle into him while we're watching a movie. It's great to know that if things did change at all while we were apart, they were for the better. I love it. I love him! We did a bunch of neat things together BUT i'll fill you in later on, he'll be home from work here soon and I only have a couple more days to love on him =(
    Last edited by JoMarie; March 12, 2010, 03:15 AM. Reason: No love from the color font

    This is really sweet. Brings back all the memories from our visits... oh. i cant wait for mine now!
    really hope ill be able to post something similar.
    enjoy the rest of your time together! make the most out of it!

    oooooh. love can be wonderful!


      Aww, that is really sweet. Enjoy the rest of your visit!


        I go home in a few hours. So sad to leave him. It's going to be a horrible awful day.


          I'm happy you had a great time!

