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Upcoming Visit...Nervous?!

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    Upcoming Visit...Nervous?!

    I'm going to visit my boyfriend up at college in 3 days! I can't wait to see him! =] Anyway, I've had these plans set since December, and I've been waiting and waiting for it to be here. Now that it's almost here, I'm starting to get nervous and think all these ridiculous thoughts. Maybe it's because I've never stayed over with him before and we're spending the weekend together, or maybe it's the fact that I've never lived in a dorm, and I'm going to be spending a weekend living in a dorm. Or, maybe it's the fact that I don't know anyone on his floor except for him...I'm very shy and am not a huge people person. I'm afraid I won't fit in with them (they're all into Computer Science, and I know jack about computer science...I'd love to learn it, though! I'm a bio person lol) and they won't like me, and then my SO will want to leave me because of that, even though we've been best friends for 12 years and he's only known these people about 6 months. He'd never do that, so I don't even know why I'm worrying. I really love him and he loves me just as much. I know I should be happy about this trip....well, I am, but I'm also scared too. How do I stop worrying?

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

    I was the same way before I went to see my boyfriend. Worried about meeting his family, what his friends will think, etc. So much to the point that I was picking fights with him over nothing at all. I guess my advice would be to think positive, that whether or not you fit in he's not going to leave you. But you already know that, it can be hard to convince yourself. Other than that, you could think up one or two things you want to and can do with or without your SO so if you do decide you aren't having fun with his friends you know you'll still enjoy the trip there. I hope you have a great time. (:


      I'm nervous, and I've spent A LOT of time and had a lot of visits with my boyfriend (we've known each other almost 9 years!) The first time we held hands was March 17, 2002-- it's chance that we'll meet again March 17, 2011.

      I think anytime you introduce something new to the relationship, it's normal to be uncertain (for me, this is the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other...)


        I think you're WAY overthinking things here. Whether or not you get along with his floormates or get into computer science should have no impact whatsoever on your relationship with him. I understand the nerves and anticipation must have your mind racing, but just trust in your relationship. I'm sure you'll be fine...give us an update when you're back!


          Ah, the snowballing thoughts. How I know them well.

          From personal experience I'm gonna tell you dorms suck. At least the ones I've been in, though I think essentially they're all the same. So no worries about that environment, if you can deal with small space and beds then you're good as gold. As for the others, they have interests other than Computer Science so you may find a common thread with them enough to start at least a few minutes of conversation. But as mentioned, you're going there for your SO so to hell with them, essentially. Last minute jitters are common and I think you'll be fine once you actually get there and can stop thinking about the "what if"s and see for yourself the reality.


            Thanks guys! =] I need to just keep myself busy for the last few days before I see him. My mind has been all over the place about this trip, but now I'm just downright excited! I was texting my boyfriend before and he's going to get the tickets for Friday evening's playoff hockey game. I've been dying to see their team play irl. I've listened to almost every game this season, and have seen one on TV, so this should be awesome! (He went to most of the games with pep band) I'm sure I'll get along with people on floor, too...I'm probably overreacting about this. xD

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

