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Events and Parties.......

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    Events and Parties.......

    My SO is going to a "frat party" tonight.

    If I were in New Zealand I would be able to come, too.

    Instead she has to go alone where I would love to come along and just show her off.

    Where am I going to be? In Germany. Far, far away.


    Also with any other party really. Like birthdays...

    I know that probably everyone feels the same way and boy, doesn't it just suck?

    Stupid question.. but what's a frat party?


      Originally posted by Heather View Post
      Stupid question.. but what's a frat party?
      A party for all uni students, I guess?


        Ugh, I miss my boyfriend a lot at parties.
        I mean once I'm there it's usually not too bad (there is a lot of distraction after all), but I really don't like it

        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


          It's a fraternity party. I've been to plenty of those haha.

          In our relationship, I'm the one who goes to a lot of parties. My SO doesn't party at all. It's just not his thing, so he always says it's the only time he's glad he's not here lol.

          "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
          - A. A. Milne


            Lol its a fraternity party. So its an organization for members of a certain organization. Frats tend to be all male though there are some co-ed ones and sororities are the all female counterpart


              I miss my boyfriend when I go to family events when he's up at school...he loves my family and they love him. Also, going places with friends that I'd go to with my boyfriend makes me sad. In particular, the mall. I went with some friends on Friday and two of my friends are a couple, who are also long distance. He came home for spring break, so him and his girlfriend were hand-in-hand and absolutely freakin' adorable! =] But, it made me a little sad because my boyfriend wasn't there for me to hold. I've noticed when I go to these places without Anthony, all I see is couples, happy couples EVERYWHERE and it really bums me out. </rant>

              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                This is something I struggle with, too. My boyfriend has a past of infidelity and every time he tells me he's "going out with the guys" or whatnot, I get a little jab in my stomach. Beyond the feeling of wishing I could be there to go with him and do fun things together, it's hard for me personally to trust that he will "be good" while he's out. It's definitely very tough.


                  I'm not a very social person, so parties and things like that aren't really my thing. But my SO likes to go bowling or out to a bar with his friends once in a while and I hate to admit it, but I get a little jealous that I can't have fun with him and his friends.


                    The Boy had a reception to attend at an art gallery over the weekend - his photographs are on display. Kills me that I wasn't there for him

                    Last December, I had a huge fundraiser that I had worked on - I had obtained a large amount of funding and auction items. He knows I was very proud of my efforts. Killed him that he couldn't attend. I didn't even go myself, because he wasn't there. I since regret that decision, I should have gone and received the accolades that were well-deserved.

                    This is one of those crappy ass downsides of LDRs.

                    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

                    True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

                    When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

                    1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


                      Oh, know that you are not alone in feeling jealous over parties, my SO loves going to parties and I worry incessantly for no reason. Its so easy to think "if I was there, it would be no biggie, cause I would tag-along or see them right afterward" Distance sucks!


                        Goodness, I know how that feels. It's been tough for me in my move, since I'm used to hanging around the same circles he is. He gets to go to some fun activities that I certainly would if I were down there with him and my other friends. It's tough to go from a packed social life to near friendless isolation.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          My SO doesn't go to parties, but he goes out for drinks with friends alot >.< It hurts to hear about it because we have the same friends and I would give anything to be there with them... Grah!! It's frustrating, but I would rather him go out and be happy then have me holding him back and be miserable...


                            Just so everyone knows, it actually is not a real frat party, they are just calling it a frat party for fun

                            But yeah it is run by the Uni commerce association and is being held at a local bar in the city and my friends are basically all in charge of that group and since we never see each other much as our degrees are different it's one of the only time's I can see them.

                            I am looking forward to it, but I do really wish Nani could come with me as she would be welcome too I guess it's just another of those things we can't least while long distance.

                            Also two of my best friends just got into new relationships and while I am so so so so so greatly happy for them I assume they will both bring along their new boyfriends and that makes it harder still. Hm.

                            I also wish my SO could go to the gay group UniQ on campus with me..but she can't until she visits at the end of July.
                            Last edited by BoogleBee; March 15, 2011, 06:39 PM.

