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    Yesterday I just did the most randomest thing ever! I'll start from the beginning first.

    I visited my SO for the first time at the start of this year (I'm from Australia and he's in England). We hit it off like a bang and we're so deeply in love. He's now booked his flight to Australia for the 23rd of May to see me. But our plan is for me to get my Youth mobility Scheme visa Tier 5 for 24 months to go back with him when he visits me. So I've not started that yet but today I was supposed to get help with it to apply online with my Auntie, but things have come up with her and so I'm thinking today I'll just try it myself- (cross fingers for me!) Because I've been in panick mode ever since we came up with the idea. Getting enough money saved and thinking what would my Dad and Brother think of me going so soon! I had told my Dad about it and he said he fully supports me BUT he thinks my SO should just come for his holiday here and then think about the visa for 24months staying in England. But told me to follow my heart, but also my mind. And told me he'd support me etc. But I just feel, he wants me to do what he thinks is best...too late, a few days ago I checked online to see if my SO's flight back to England was still available for me to buy, it was, but it had a sign underneath it saying there were 5 seats or fewer left on that plane and to hurry! I told my SO and he and I both saddened at the thought of him leaving without me and waiting longer to see each other again. Yesterday, after hearing my Auntie say she couldn't come help me with my visa today, I told her the situation with the flight back and she said to me, just book it. Because I still have 3 months to go and my visa should be completed in time. Apparently it takes a week to get done? Hope so! Because, I went and booked the flight back with him, didn't tell my Dad about it and I'm so scared he'll get so angry with me. So, now that I've booked the flight and paid for it, I NEED to get my visa done asap! I booked a one way ticket. I know when you apply for a visa you have to give the British High Comission your passport so they can change it. I know I need the passport for the flight! brain hurts thinking about all these scary possibilities that'll happen to me. I'd either have to cancel my flight with him and lose 3 grand out of pocket and pay up to Qantas for the cancellation fee My god...I just don't know if I did the right thing but...I must love my SO so much because for me, to do something so drastic to be with him, must say alot.

    Seems you have a lot on your plate. Perhaps it would help if you organized all you know has to be done into a list so you can maybe set goal dates to have them done by and check them off as you go? Push your Auntie to help you get that visa done first and foremost as that sounds like it's the most important out of everything and go from there. Don't think about the "what if I can't get this done in time" stuff, just put your nose to the grind to ensure it can and will happen. It's intimidating, but I believe you have the willpower and want in order to do it.


      It looks like getting your visa's the top priority at the moment. Get your forms and send them in ASAP, I do think 2 months is enough time for the application to be processed. As for your dad, it might be nice if he knew his suggestion was seriously taken into consideration and reassured that this is what you want, that it is going to make you happy. (:


        Welp, I just completed my online application today for my visa. I've got my biometric interview for the 29th but I can make it earlier if I want- which I might do for next week. I want this completed asap! My SO is very impressed with me :P


          Sounds like things are falling into place for you!!! Very happy to read this!
          NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


            Around 20 days...
            NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


              oh honey i know all about this stress considering in a few days i'll be doing my own visa O_o good luck to you!!! *Huggles*


                Thankyou! I changed my booking for next Tues. I just thought to myself...i want this done! and I'm a bit nervous, they say its a simple process to get my fingerprints scanned and photo taken but..i hope I have all the correct forms at hand and all filled in correctly. I hope I find this place easy too! xP

