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Flirting is it okay?

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    I wouldn't be okay with that and my SO knows it.

    I believe she thinks the same way as me.


      There are some people who are just naturally flirtatious, they can't help it, even though they don't mean to be. In those cases, it would be just as easy to get a leopard to change it's spots, as it would be for them to stop flirting altogether. If your SO is gonna cheat, they're gonna cheat, regardless if they flirt a little from time to time. If you're really worried about that, then you've got more serious issues than a little flirting, I just don't understand why anyone would stay with someone who they had to constantly worry about like that

      Being a little flirty can be fun, and its sure better than running across people who are nasty and miserable!
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I second the "it depends on what you define flirting to be". My SO does social dancing, so he pays a ridiculous amount of attention to girls. Do I like it? Not all the time. Do I get jealous? Yes, very easily. But I know he's just being sociable, and he's not out looking for another girl just because I'm not there, and I know I have nothing to worry about. To me it doesn't really matter if he ends up inadvertently attracting the person he "flirts" with, because he is really really charismatic.

        We talk about this all the time though, I have no qualms about letting him know how I feel about the situation (is super vocal about this). But I don't want to rob him of his going out to have fun either. We keep in touch through text messaging if I know he's out, and he's fine with me calling if my imagination overreacts. As far as I'm concerned, communication is the key! Besides, at the end of the night? Guess who he comes back to -- me.

        And a little bit hypocritical on this, according to my SO I flirt unknowingly too... I don't get it, and I don't know I'm doing it. :O Apparently I'm really friendly around people and I just act friendly and everything. Never realized it was flirting :/ I need to work on this too. Too unobservant apparently. :O


          my SO n I have a naturally flirting personality that we attract people, so for both of us its a rule not to do any kind of flirt w no one... i think flirting while in a relation ship isn't ok at all.


            I don't think intentional flirting is good. That said, I am absolutely an unintentional flirt. I do my best not to be, but where I can sometimes come across that way I don't mind if my SO sometimes comes across that way IF he clears up any misunderstandings that may occur.

            "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
            -- Anonymous


              Flirting in any way or any kind is not okay with me. My SO knows about it, and I trust him.
              "Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue,
              a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them
              which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
              - Rainer Maria Rilke

              "An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
              regardless of time, place, or circumstance.
              The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
              - an ancient Chinese belief


                I think playful flirting is fine. I do it all the time... It's more a confidence boost then anything. Brandon thinks it's hilarious. XD I wouldn't really care if he flirted with other girls, because I know it won't go any further then that.


                  I just think, if it's something I wouldn't want him doing or it would hurt my feelings, maybe it would hurt his and he wouldn't want me doing it. Personally, I wouldn't want my SO flirting with another woman, especially if it was in front of me. I would be hurt by it, so I don't think flirting is okay. It often times leads to many other things.


                    to me any form of flirting is not ok. when i was with my ex it was fine if he went to bars and clubs with his friends and talked to other girls, but dancing with them, buying them drinks, letting them hug and/or kiss him on the cheek, lips what ever was not and will not ever be ok with me.

                    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                      I can't imagine why anyone's SO would flirt with someone else with you actually THERE with them. That's just unbelievably tacky, rude and hurtful. But aside from that I know I would not be okay if my boyfriend were flirtig with girls even if I'm not there. I know I have jelousy and insecurity issues so even his just regular chatting with girls makes me uncomfortable, but I fully realize on that aspect that's my own issue I need to deal with so I've no right to tell him to stop. But actual flirting? Talking with girls in such a way as to provoke a specific type of reaction? No. I am not comfortable with this and I would be very upset if I found out he was doing so with other girls.

                      As for myself, I worry it's a double edge sword. I would never flirt with another guy. Same as with my boy I feel it would be extremely tacky and hurtful of me to lead other guys on just for the sake of 'feeling that high'. However, I get nervous about this since long before I met my boy I've been told my flirting sensors are way of kilter. Such as, years ago when I attempted to flirt my friends and sister would laugh at me since I was so terrible, and yet when I felt (and my intentions were definitely so) I was simply being friendly I've apparently led on a few guys. It worries me as I just moved to a new place and I'm attempting to be nice and open with everyone (especially at work) so I don't completely shut people off from myself, but given past experiences I don't want it to come off as my being interested. It's difficult to just 'watch my actions' when I don't even see how what I'm doing can constitute as flirting in the first place.


                        Neither my SO nor I are naturally geared toward flirting, which makes it easier for us to not even start it up. (I remember some of the conscious effort I was putting in to flirt with my SO, lol. It wasn't that I wasn't insanely interested - I most certainly was - it just feels unnatural to me until I start to get the hang of it.)

                        My SO and I, though, have both verbally stated that we have no desire to flirt with other people. We tend to define flirting as being attention well-and-above the norm used in a simple interaction with a friend. We do this not only so that he and I feel secure in our relationship (so as to prevent unneeded jealousy between us), but also to not toy with the potential feelings of whomever we'd be doing the flirting with. We both desire our behavior with the opposite sex to be above reproach.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          Buying someone drinks might be taking it a bit too far (I really don't understand why he told you, though).
                          But flirting in general is absolutely ok.
                          Like Rugger said, I flirt all the time. Hell, I flirt with my boyfriend's friends (and sometimes even with my friends' boyfriends). I can't help it. Well, maybe I could, but I don't want to. I like to feel good and to make other people feel good.
                          Flirting is not cheating. All I do is talk to them (in a flirty way). I don't make out or hop into bed with those people and I'm not trying to.
                          Obviously, my boyfriend knows about this and has witnessed it himself, but I think he actually likes that people like me.

                          My boyfriend's not really a flirter (he has charm, but he's way shy around girls) but I wouldn't mind it if he was. I really don't think flirting is a bad thing.

                          Possibly the world would be a better place if instead of looking grumbly and muttering a half-heartedly mornin or 'elo, we would flirt with the people we meet during our day. Everyone would be happier

                          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                            I don't think it's okay to flirt with other people aside from my SO, and I'd probably be very upset if I found out he was flirting with other girls. To me, it's cheating. My boyfriend and I are both not the flirting type anyway. We flirt with each other sort of, but I can't see either of us flirting with other people. I've noticed since my SO and I have become a couple, and especially long distance, I'm distancing myself from guys because I'm afraid they'll try to hit on me or flirt with me. I've put up a guard in a way. I went to the mall with some friends on Friday (two of them are a couple, the other is in a relationship with another girl who wasn't there and they've been together 14 months. My SO was up at school.) My friends wanted to get food, but I didn't want anything. My other guy friend (whose GF wasn't there) offered to pay for me...I felt kinda awkward about it and I told him that. He told me not to worry, but I insisted I didn't want anything. My boyfriend is friends with all of them, too....we have a lot of the same friends. I didn't tell Anthony, but he probably wouldn't have cared, because he knows our friend is in a relationship.

                            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                              Depends on what mean by flirting. No I don't think flirting is ok. But, I do think there are people flirty personality.

                              If my bf, ever bought girls drinks. To me that is crossing the line, same as I wouldn't let a guy buy me a drink


                                i actually messed up the story it happened a long time ago, it was at a bar and drinks were only 1 buck or something and came with a glow stick, so he bought a drink and gave it to one of the girls he was hanging with. and there was some dancing, but hes open with me and since then there hasn't been more times like this.

                                I don't flirt, when i go out i dont talk to guys other than a hello. Ad my SO is commited to me, he would never intentionally hurt me. I don't think he even considers that as flirting, and he knows i get jelouse but its his life, and as long as im the only one then it works out
                                I love you Nathan <3
                                5/25/09 <3

