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Flirting is it okay?

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    I have been told that I am unintentionally flirty. I'm very polite, sweet and interested in people's conversations. I smile and laugh a lot and am very talkative and this is often considered to be flirtatious. My SO knows this and that I can be oblivious especially when people are attracted to me or as to why because I don't feel I did anything or led them on. He is not flirtatious and is very clear about having a girlfriend. He is a very sweet guy and there have been a few girls that have crushes or are interested in him but I'm not worried about it. I would never do anything to intentionally lead someone else on and would clarify if my behavior was misleading. My SO and I both avoid situations that could be compromising.


      I concur with the "What constitutes flirting?" and that I think is something that can only be definied by each person.

      My SO is naturally charming, he likes making people feel good. Some people might see that as flirting, but I know it's just who he is. I like seeing him put a smile on the waitresses face by thanking her sincerely and complimenting her.

      I don't worry about him flirting when I'm not there. I know he wouldn't be tempted, he loves me and a bit of harmless flirtation is good for the soul.

      I'm not sure if I flirt per se. I tease my male friends (most of which are coupled up or married) and will smile and be friendly in stores and such, but again it's not "overally flirtaious"

      To me flirting is about innocently putting a smile on someones face, giving them a little confidence boost and making the
      world a better place. If someone innocently fliers with me it makes me confident and happy and I take that home to my SO.

      It begins to cross the line when there is unneeded physical contact, leading someone on/letting them think they have a chance or activly avoiding mentioning your SO.
      Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

      Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

      And remember....Love really IS all around.


        I agree that it depends on your definition of flirting. My SO is not so much the flirting type because he's pretty quiet and reserved. I'm pretty quiet too but I have times where I am more outgoing and will sit at a bar and chat with new people. I'm always quick to bring up my SO if I feel like they think it might lead to something. I also have a very close male friend who teases me about becoming a sister wife and living in a commune with him and his wife but my SO understands that we've been friends for years and it's a long running joke between my friend, his wife, and me. I think the line is wherever you decide it is, what feels right (or wrong) to you.


          I'm a naturally flirty person, so I flirt without realizing it. I think flirting is harmless unless it becomes more.


            I am going to be a complete hypocrite here. I'd get a bit upset when my BF tells me scenarios that were probably open to flirting, but on the other hand I am so guilty it's ridiculous. I think it's human nature to have these double standards, but try to get over them and realize that you both may flirt on occasion, but it's just the natural way of men and women (or men/men, women/women) interacting.
            ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


              My SO is THE biggest flirt! He's just naturally a really flirty person, but I trust him and I know he would never do anything like that while he's with me. I also know that he loves me and me only.
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              'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'


                to me personally it is not. I mean I understand that there may be an attractive person and that person may even flirt with YOU, but I think the right thing to do is to say firmly "I am sorry I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" which I do and I would LOVE for my SO to do the same, but he doesnt :'(


                  Well, like people have already said - every person has his or her own personal limits. Due to my SOs line of work, he has very little to do with other women, outside those in his family, and most of his contacts are male. I have yet to see how he interacts with other women, so I really can't say. But it would most certainly not be acceptable with me if we were somewhere together and he left me in order to talk to another woman.
                  As far as I myself go, the only people I allow myself to flirt with are long-time friends, who know that I am in a serious relationship, with whom it is limited to merely verbal fun, the most being a "buddy" hug and a peck on the cheek. Any other man may hope for a brief word-play at most. I know I'm very flirty, and can easily lead on, so I'm very strict on myself. Men who try to hit on me get "I have a boyfriend" very early in the conversation. Now and then I do fail to get a message across before it's too late - often because my friendlyness is misinterpreted - but I make sure to distance myself once I realise things have gone too far (as was the case with a guy I had to work with a couple of months ago. Our communication, when such must be held due to the job, is very awkward now).

