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goodbye for awhile

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    goodbye for awhile

    Lately as ive said my SO is busy with work, which I completly understand, but the waiting to talk to him is really hard. We had planned to talk on thursdays only, that way he can work during the week and we can have one day as our day, well he had to cancel and said he could only come on later that night, but with our huge time dif and it was canceled. So ive decided to stay away. Cause it gets to hard when your waiting around, i need to keep busy. Plus I feel like its a hassle for him to spend time with me right now. Last time he did he said at the end 2 hours with you is good. lol like he was timming it, and the time before that i had asked him for a hour and we spent more and he was sure to tell me that. So i just, i want him to get things done and not feel like a burden, so i left him a message saying bye for awhile. I didn't say for how long, i just said focus on what u need to and get things done and if he has free time go out and have time to yourself. If he needs to get ahold of me he can always call me. I made plans with my family to go over there and were doing a weight loss boot camp thing for a whole week, so il be gone for about 7-10 days. I didn't tell my SO this, or how long i'll be away, just told him i'll stay out of his way. Does this sound like a good idea? I dont want to be a burden and it makes me lonely when i sit around and wait for him, so im doing this but am i comming across as mean and ungrateful?
    I love you Nathan <3
    5/25/09 <3

    From what you said the way he's been acting and such (timing how long you spend together etc) then it might be a good idea to give him a little bit of space and then see where things go from there. You should always spend time with your family and do things for yourself, so go out and have a nice week with your family. Try not to think about what he's doing or thinking, he will contact you if it means anything to him.

    Good luck and hope to see you back on the site sooner than later and with things worked out! (If that makes sense.) I wish you all the best.


      It depends on how you said it and in what spirit you are doing it in.

      The problem with written communication here is the context. I've read your posts and I've read this one. And I will freely admit I may be projecting my own experience on this. But it sounds vindictive, punishing and manipulative TO ME. Emphasis on the TO ME.

      I was so there with The Boy that he got tired of my whining and drop kicked me to the curb. Not that he wanted to break up with me, but my neediness at the time was driving him nuts. I needed to respect his space and got busy. And as soon as I did that, he was the one trying to hunt me down.

      When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

      True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

      When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

      1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


        I get what your saying. He knows that him away is hard for me, after two years he should know me well, and i made the message sweet saying how he means alot to me and im so proud of his work, but i was honest and told him its hard for me, so im going to keep busy. im trying not to be needy by not bugging him. Theres no chance of us breaking up, hes booked to come in june, we both love eachother so much, he truly is my world but its hard not talking for weeks for me, i miss him, and i struggle with this.
        I love you Nathan <3
        5/25/09 <3

