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Staying Positive Through The Hard Times

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    Staying Positive Through The Hard Times

    Ben and I had a little argument today. If you want to know what it was about, just read my recent blog

    But it's been hard lately, Ben and I try to see each other every 3 weeks, but it's been 5 weeks now since I've seen him, and I don't know when we will see each other next. We are both in college, jobless, so money is a big issue especially with the price of gas these days.

    I know the amount of time from seeing him is a lot shorter than a lot of other people on this site. But when I'm use to seeing him every 3 weeks, it's really tough when I'm not use to lasting longer than that I really miss him, and some days we are both a little grumpy because we miss each other like crazyyy!!

    We are just trying to stay positive, and I think he might be coming down this weekend for a day or two It will be amazing if he can!!! He has been going through a lot with quitting smoking so some time together is very much needed!!!

    Just thought I would update everyone, and that you just have to stay positive and talk to each other to get through the time

    I know some people make a big fuss when their wait time between visits is longer than the person complaining, but everyone's used to different schedules as no relationship is ever the same. I know when there started to be more 'wait time' between talking to my SO I would get fussy, throw little fits like a toddler, and even become depressed and lethargic. Eventually I got used to that schedule, and then the waits got longer and the process started over. All you can ever say is to remain positive and make every moment count.

    I hope your guy can come visit you for a little bit, even if it's just for a few hours it makes all the difference in the world.


      Staying positive is definitely key, it's too easy to get wrapped up in the negative aspects of a long distance relationship.

      Here's to positive thoughts and prayers, and hoping your b/f is able to visit this weekend if only for a day!


        yes thanks!! I really hope he can come, just one day with him will be sooo great!! And yea I started a little argument like a toddler tonight lol we are already over it, because we both know it's just out of missing him which is true! I think I need to keep myself more busy though, I need a hobby besides staying on my laptop all day lol


          Staying positive can make a situation a lot better I hope you can see your bf this weekend!


            *hugs* a visit, even if its a short visit will definitely be good for the both of you! I hope you get to see him


              Good for you for staying postive. (: And thanks for the reminder for the rest of us to stay positive. It really is key in a LDR.
              I'm crossing my fingers for you, hoping your guy can come for the weekend! (:


                Yea honestly being positive helps me get through the day!! And yes I'll keep you guys posted


                  My SO and I are used to seeing each other every 3 or so as well. After our vacation, it will be possibly 5 weeks before we see each other again.

                  Our situation is a little different though, because we're closing the distance in late May or early June, so it will be his last visit before then, but in the meantime we will be going through a longer than normal period of separation. I just try to focus on the positives and keep myself busy. We also skype and text a lot, so we never go more than half an hour without talking to each other, with the exception of when we're sleeping.

                  Just try to think about your next visit. Having a general idea of when the next visit will be always makes things easier.

                  "If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
                  - A. A. Milne


                    Yea I just have to get through this year with being apart from him and he be back at the University where we both attended where we met, we still have to go through big breaks apart since our homes are still a few hours away but at least we will be back with each other for the school year Ha and yes I imagine our next visit all the time!! we always talk about it which makes it easier


                      I know exactly how you feel, I'm used to seeing my SO roughly every 10 weeks, for a month at a time...and so far it's been 11 weeks...and no ticket has been booked. I haven't a clue when I'm next gonna see him.
                      Its so tough, but you just have to do things to keep/make you happy and positive; see friends/family, watch a movie, treat yourself to something cheap and cheerful (even if it's just a bar of chocolate or a new book), go out for dinner/lunch. Create little things to look forward to and help the time pass quicker.
                      For example, mine at the moment are;

                      This week: I have loadss of work (which means MONEYYY!)
                      Next week: A book I've been waiting for about 8 years to come out is coming out (the final in a series that I've followed since I was a child...the Alex Rider series hehe) - I've pre-ordered it so I'm really looking forward to picking it up next Thursday and I also have a lot of work on, both Uni and paid work!
                      Following week: I break up from Uni for the Easter Holidays. Spring will also be here
                      April: My birthday, Easter, the Royal Wedding, and *hopefully* my SO will finally be back over here!
                      I'm living off £10 a week for 9 months to raise money for 4 charities (Tommy's, Home-Start, Lupus UK and Hughes Syndrome Foundation)
                      please visit my blog and sponsor me!
                      It's really easy to donate, you just go to the blog link, click on the Just Giving links at the top right hand side, and then click donate! It literally takes 30 seconds to fill in the details in order to donate and it will make such a difference to these amazing charities! Every donation is greatly appreciated, no matter how small!

                      'The reason it hurts so much to because our souls are connected'

