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I want to meet, but is it out of the question?

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    I want to meet, but is it out of the question?

    Well, Alex and I have been dating online for 1 year and 4 (almost 5) months now. It's been a long time and we've been through a lot together, and I'm certain that I love him and I know he loves me. I've decided that I'm ready to meet him, I've been ready for a long time now, but I just don't know if it's possible. He lives in NY, USA and I live just outside London, England (lol isn't that so typical? NY-LND?) so there is a biiigggg and expensive distance between us, and a huge culture difference too. I know that USA and England aren't too different, at least theres no language barrier or anything, but there is still a huge difference between our famililes, way of lives etc.

    For example, his parents had children when they were 18, my parents waited until they were 35. Hardly anyone around where he lives goes to college, you are seen as an idiot/loser if you don't go to college here. Family is everything to to them and their extended family is HUGE, whereas mine is only 15 people. His family eats loads of meat, mine is practically vegetarian, the list goes on. So I can understand why the idea of visiting me here is so daunting to him. For me, the idea of visiting him isn't daunting on the cultural side at all, all those changes are more like an adventure to me than a challenge!

    Although I'm super-keen to go and visit him, thats just not gonna happen. There is NO way, absolutely NO way, whatsoever, that my parents would allow it. So, he would have to come here. That means he needs to get a passport (I already have one, england= pretty small country and travelling around the world is nothing unusual for the people around where i live) which I doubt he knows how to get, he would also have to get the money together for a flight. That is where the trouble is, money. Neither of us have very much money. I would love NOTHING more than to give him some of my savings to pay for the ticket, but I already know he would never allow it. I've even asked my parents to move some of my allowance into my bank account, so that by the end of the year I will have an extra £120 that I wont touch and because I don't really trust my parents not to touch my savings (they already took £1000 out to pay off THEIR debt) I'm also stashing some of my savings and telling them I spent it. So hopefully I'll be able to give him something towards the tickets, or if i feel i want to leave on a total whim, I'll have the money for it. I doubt i'll ever have a reason to flee the country though =P

    And then, there's the biggest problem, my parents. Yep, you guessed it, one and almost-a-half years into our relationship, and my parents both don't know. They know I talk to him, and that we're really good friends, and I even bring him up in conversation sometimes, but they are pretty much clueless as to the relationship between him and I. My mother has already made her dislike for online dating VERY clear and told me multiple times that she doesn't support it at ALL, and my father is very overprotective..and also really quite racist. And yes, I am white and Alex is black. My sister has also made the fact that she thinks "interracial couples are creepy" very well known. BUT, I have figured out a way to get around this avversion to internet dating!!

    Basically, what I'm going to do is claim that alex is just a very close friend, and he is coming to england, so can he stay with us for a while blah blah blah and then, when he gets here, claim it was "love at first sight" and all that.

    But then, the issue goes back to actucally getting him here. At the moment, its looking like its going to be this time or later NEXT year before we get anywhere near meeting in person. He's going to get a job next year, as he will only have 3 classes in high school, and he's going to save up to come stay over here. I have also already had my parents agree to allowing me to go to america and work their for my gap year, only three years away!! (I am 14 and alex is 17) But I miss him SO much and I want the distance between us over. I just don't know how to make it happen. It doens't help that our relationship is on the rocks right now and frankly I am REALLY pissed off at him.

    Can anyone offer any advice? or comments? even just another point of view on the situation might help. Or perhaps how you managed to overcome the difficulties of meeting for the first time.

    I really don't have any advice for distance isn't anything compared to the distance that you have.If you love him like you do, the best thing to do is to just let it play out. When the time is right, it will work so that you two can meet. I know that sounds like "blah blah blah" to you...cause when someone tells me that I think "blah blah blah" lol. But it honestly is the truth. It doesn't really help much either I know.

    Good luck to you! I hope for you all the best
    Last edited by agentholli; April 6, 2010, 10:16 PM.


      well, I can understand the parent thing. ^^; I'm 20 and my parents still want to control most of my life. ^^; Getting a passport, for him, won't be that hard. I did it last October. I'll post the passport info you can pass onto him. Tell him to get his photo taken at someplace like CVS or Walgreens, not at the passport office. If he gets it done at the pharmacy/convenience store it's only like $6-$8 (it was only $6 for me) and if you get it at the office it's $15. He's going to need a passport book, though, so that's going to be about $100. That shouldn't be too horrible of a sum to save up, though. Just make sure he applies EARLY as, depending on what time of the year it is, it can take anywhere from 3 weeks (my case) to 6 months (some of my friends had that happen).

      As for him coming to visit, I'd just tell your parents he's a really good friend of yours. How big is the age difference? If it's several years then you're going to have to get over that hurdle, too, with your parents when he gets there. Flying from NY to London (as I assume he'd do) is likely going to be expensive (maybe even upwards of $1,000) so he needs to get a job, likely starting this summer, or save up every little bit he can. Another problem he's going to run into, though (and it's going to be EXTREMELY frustrating) is that the economy really hasn't recovered that much. There still aren't very many jobs he'll be able to get. It's likely going to take him MONTHS to get a job unless it's at somewhere like DQ or McDonald's. Suggest to him that he tries to get a waiter job. I just started waitressing two weeks ago (after searching for a job since August of last year) and I've already got $300 saved up. So that's a simple and, if he has the right temperament, easy way to get the money. I typically get around $10 to $15 a shift, though one night I got over $40. So you might suggest that to him.

      I know it's probably going to be far in the future that you meet, but you can make it. I thought it'd take me FOREVER to get up to see my guy but, unless something drastically changes, I'm going to meet him May 29th. We'll have been 'dating' for a year at that point (though I originally met him in September of '08). My main advice in this aspect, though, is don't expect the worst (like, "Oh, no, it's goign to take two years") but don't expect him right away. And if he starts searching for a job and is having trouble finding one I cannot stress how important it will be for you to encourage him. It might take months for him to find anything and if that's the case he might get really depressed and really frustrated, might even feel like it'll never happen. You have to stay by him and let him know it'll be all right and that he will find a job.

      Here's the passport site:
      US Govt Passport Information

      Good luck. ^^


        I really don't have any constructive advice to give you. However, I can give you my opinion if nothing else.
        You are very very young still. And even though I honestly believe that you can find your true love at any age, I understand why your parents might not agree on you going to US at this point to meet a guy you fell in love online. I am not saying there is anything wrong in falling in love online - it happened to me more than once. I am just saying that because of your age your parents might be scared for you; scared of you getting hurt. You still are a child, technically.
        Even though I am 12 years older than you I still remember clearly how it feels to fall in love in that age and how emotional you can get. The best advice I can give you is to enjoy what you guys have right now and wait to see what life has in store for you. I truly believe that what needs to happen will happen in one way or another, even if you don't interfere much. Things might just come in place unexpectedly and you guys will end up meeting sooner than you think. Until then listen to your heart and enjoy your relationship to its fullest.


          This is a very tricky situation, and I really wish I could help. *Hugs*

          My parents were like you - my dad was (and is, really) way too overprotective(thinking every single person online wants to hurt me), and neither of them really believed in online dating. I took a huge risk and met my guy in secret, and then brought him home. They were upset with me, for not telling them, but they ended up liking him in the end. However, my dad admitted that he would never have let me meet him if he had known before, so I guess the outcome was pretty lucky.

          It's hard to know what your parents might say and think if you told them. Probably, with your mum's views on online dating and all, it would be negatively recieved. But you know, they can't stop you from loving this guy, and you've been with him for 1 year and a few months now. Now, that's a pretty darn long time for people our age I think(I'm 15 ;p), and you know, you just have to stay strong. What you feel is right, you should do.

          There is no easy way to get through this, but your parents have to understand that you are in love with this guy, and they'll just have to accept it.

          I really wish you good luck with this! If you want to talk about it, just drop off a message on my profile.


            My dad and my boyfriend's parents didn't know anything about us either- he still managed to say it was a "study trip", borrowed money, and I paid for the hotel. I snuck out to be with him- my dad never found out and actually he spent a night in my house without my dad noticing. It's possible. And he came from Singapore- BIG culture difference there. Trust me- I'm half British and live in the US- it's not that bad

            He can get a passport at the local post office. A flight would cost around 700 US dollars. I went to the UK for a month last summer. I don't think it's much culture difference as it is family difference that you have. I'm not sure where he lives that people don't go to college(I think I only know one person -not- going near me), so maybe it's just family. Don't worry about that at all. Be prepared to lie if you're not going to tell them. And if you do tell them, be prepared for a negative reaction. *hugs* Good luck! I hope you guys can meet.


              I'm not sure where he lives that people don't go to college(I think I only know one person -not- going near me)
              Very few kids actually finish highschool, let alone go to college where he lives. Its just how it is there i suppose.

              I'm going to talk to alex about it again tonight, I'll post again later to let you guys know what we come up with =)
              Last edited by polkapiggy; May 11, 2010, 04:26 PM.


                Thought situation, but if you love each other let it be!


                  I'm really not in the same situation so I can't offer any advice. I can offer support and luck and sorting things out! Hang in there!


                    Thanks for the support guys =) we're working on a solution ^_^


                      Perhaps you could get your parents to talk to each other about visiting one another? Maybe they would be more accepting then. I was in a similar situation, I'm from England and my girl is in America. I guess I have an advantage because I'm a bit older (21), so I was the one to go over there. I actually was allowed to stay at her house for my stay, which I thought was amazing, her parents showing so much trust in someone they've never met. I guess everyone just has to have a leap of faith about it all.

                      If that doesn't work out maybe he could study abroad for a term?

                      A warning though, if you think its hard not seeing each other at the moment, you should wait till you have to leave each other! haha. Good luck!


                        Brilliant news, my parents have said they will pay for me to go to america for my gap year, providing i work while im there!! That means I can go stay with Alex while he's in college (probably in Seattle or NY) for an ENTIRE YEAR!! and thats just 3 years away! And i know those years will go quickly, cause I'm studying and when I'm in school time just flies! =)


                          Ohh, that's amazing, I'm so happy for you!


                            Yay! That's a great news! So excited for you!
                            I wish i could do a gap year in australia, daaaaaamn. Youre lucky, so stay strong and positive!


                              i have the same (sort of) situation as you
                              my SO lives in Quebec, Canada and i like in Norfolk, England, wich sucks
                              money isnt the main problem as she already has the money saved up, but her parents wont let her come over untill she graduates, witch would mean she wouldnt be able to come till NEXT summer ): and then theres the problem of parents, my and my parents dont have a very open relationship as it is, its hard enough telling them about when ive been in CD before.
                              iff you come up with any solutions, PLEASE post them, it would be VERY much apreciated
                              good luck

