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How long before your first BIG fight?

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    I'd say we had our first big fight about a month into my first visit. Online, we didn't have big fights. I think it can be harder to walk away from a fight in person, though.


      Ben and I have been together for 4 months now, and so far nothing big at all, i like it that way


        i smell a fight brewing... :-\


          After dating for 4 months maybe. I'm not sure if we could can count that as a big fight.
          We've had disagreements ever since we met though, so there's been a lot of minor arguments from day one.
          Maybe or first really big one was after 8-9 months of dating.

          Most of our arguments and fights are based on our cultural differences. So guess if we were the same nationality, there would be fewer.


            Hmm, well my boyfriend and I sort of jumped into our relationship headfirst and without much deep thought about it, so things were a bit shaky for us in the beginning as I remembr our first couple weeks of being together we fought almost every day and within about a month we almost broke up. Like I said, he really just dove into being a couple, probably not the smartest move but hey, a year and a half later, our fair share of further fights after that and we're still together I honestly believe if we were close distance we wouldn't fight as much as we have as many of our fights stem, admittedly, from my own insecurities that could likely be calmed with him being around me. Granted, there's still the possibility of us arguing over different matters entirely if we were physically together but I think at this point we've gotten to the point of realizing just how much we hate fighting and what soothes each other that I think we would handle it well.


              We had some disagreements but yesterday we had a big fight.
              It started at 9 am and ended at 10 pm :S
              But it's solved now and we're still together


                you mean almost break up fight? well into 2 years of our relationship we had that one but before that it was just little ones nothing major


                  I've been annoyed with him a few times and I'm sure he's been annoyed with my just as many times, but we've always been really mature and have just sat and talked it out.

                  Neither of us have ever raised our voices at each other, even come close to breaking up or stopped talking to each other over something. I gave him the silent treatment one night for like..4 hours or something while I was sleeping, but it was only to teach him a lesson He was sending me the sweetest messages and everyone of them were making me so happy. He's just too cute I couldn't keep it up in the end and ended up being just as soppy as he was.

                  A lot of things has happened in our relationship which has been really tough (including me having to come back here to the UK for an unknown ammount of time after thinking we'd be together forever) and he blames himself for it. He thinks I should be so mad at him and at one point said he wouldn't blame me if I never wanted to be with him again. He thinks he's hurt me so much and that he could never make it up to me. We've never fallen out over this though as I don't see it as his fault. I just told him when we're back together he's taking me on an epic shopping trip and it will all be forgotten

                  I love him too much to be able to stay mad at him.


                    Not so much a fight, but we just had a "we have different plans for the future" discussion which was not a nice one. It's been almost 2 years. But, all's fine now.


                      we are together since mid november (but not serious until about 4 weeks ago)... we've had a couple of major disagreements... mostly about where this relationship is going and his fear and my guilt...
                      We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
                      but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.


                        Haha... funny how this thread pops up as we just had one before and it didn't turn to well. She decided that it's enough and I guess I can't do noting about it. She has alot of life issues with it too on top so I'll just try to understanding and patient. If it's noting that can't be repaired then I guess... hah...


                          We really kind of jumped into our relationship as well but it wasn't by choice, it just happened that way and turned out that way. So far 3 months in we've had no major fights and not even any minor ones really. If we ever get kind of sideways about something it's usually caused by stress due to the distance and just needing so badly to be together. There have been times with the ex's involved that one or the other one of us just backed away for a few hours, but honestly can't stay away longer than that and I like it that way. We've managed to talk everything out when something has come up for discussion and I'm so happy by that fact.. it makes me feel very good for our future
                          Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                          Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                          Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                          You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                          Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                          Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                          Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                            We've plenty of minor fights, but I think our first "not so minor" one was in January. Basically he was just being a bit insensitive to the situation, and I was sad about it. We just had another "not so minor" fight last week, but I was also under a lot of stress and that has been solved. We talk everything out really fast though, and both of us can't stay mad long at each other. ^_^;


                              We have yet to get into a fight, even a little one. I have no desire to fight with him, but I think if we were to get into a fight, we could see it through. We have already had a lot of obstacles in our relationship and we have overcame them all.


                                Less than a month.

