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What you should not expect as a military wife

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    What you should not expect as a military wife

    Just want to give all the new wives or girlfriends a little idea of what to expect as a wife!

    1.) When the military messes up your pay, don't expect them to fix it as quick as they messed it up.

    2.) Don't expect your husband to be there for the birth of your children, pray for him to be alive for the birth of your children.

    3.) Don't expect to have any money the day before pay, just make sure you get groceries before then.

    4.) Don't expect your husband to come back from Iraq and be the same person he was when he left, let's face it girls he has seen things no human should ever have to.

    5.) Don't expect your husband to come home from work in a good mood everyday, chances are he has had to deal with some higher ranking soldier who reamed him for something he didn't do the way he wanted it done. Kiss him and tell him how happy you are to see him.

    6.) Don't expect that every military wife is going to be sweet to you, just try to keep in mind she probably just got done getting patches sewn on her hubbys uniform, took the baby to their doctors appt., went to clothing and sales for Pt shirts just to find out they were out of the size she needs, comes home to make brownies for FRG meeting just to realize she is out of milk, goes to get milk, makes brownies, cooks dinner, kisses hubby, feeds him and child, leaves for meeting without brownies, realizes it about 2 mins from being there, goes to get brownies and heads off to the oh so mandatory FRG meeting. Guess what she isn't there with bells on, give her another chance.

    7.) Don't expect to have dinner at 5:00 p.m, military men I have learned work late. ALOT!

    8.) Don't expect to be with your husband your whole marriage, hope for half.

    9.) Don't expect to get settled into any house cause chances are as soon as you get settled you have to move. I moved 5 times in 4 years on the same post!

    10.) Don't expect your husband to show his love everyday, he has alot on his mind. Just always love him with everything you have in you even on your bad days. (i.e. #6) Always remember no matter how bad your day was, his was probably worse.

    I hope this will help the new wives and girlfriends out there and ladies if you can think of anymore add them.

    I love it! I'd say number 5 took me the longest to learn. He'd just come home in a bad mood and never mention why, it's just recently that he started venting to me about work. It's usually a higher ranking soldier reaming him for something someone else didn't do just the way they wanted. lol We only have a year left though and he's not reenlisting. YAY! =D


      CONGRATS & lucky girlll. My boy already know this is what he wants to do for a career... so I've got 20 years to go:/.


        Thanks for sharing this, Gabbriela!

        My SO is career military, too. We've already been through so much drama when it comes to transfers, promotions and other stuff, but I wouldn't have it any other way.


          The biggest thing I've learned is not to get used to a shift either. His shift gets changed whenever they feel like it. And Duty is normally on a different shift. And he has meetings here and there. It's a great time..


            Ha so this is what I get to look forward too? (new AF gf here...), as if i wasnt already kinda scared? O well, its all part of the journey...


              Originally posted by asianbarbie0917 View Post
              Ha so this is what I get to look forward too? (new AF gf here...), as if i wasnt already kinda scared? O well, its all part of the journey...
              I am actually a new AGF too, a friend of mine who has been in this way longer (and is about to become an army wife ) sent it to me, and I thought I would share. Though this is for the wives a lot of it is relevant to the GF's as well.
              It's hard, but any girl going through this will tell you her soldier is worth it. We get to live a fairytale, we are loved by heros. It's a great feeling, and it's what I try to keep in mind when it gets hard.
              Oh, and other gf's & wives are GREAT support. They are always there to help because they understand what it's like.


                Stay strong!

