Hey so since I've got back home (4th March) I haven't really been able to talk to my guy, his internet isn't working properly, something to do with the phone line so at the moment I'm getting short "hope you're ok" messages on fb from him every few days and that's it.
I'm really struggling but I can't do anything about it, which is hard for somebody like me, I can be a bit of a control freak because that's how I deal with my anxiety.
So now I'm lonely as anything living on my own, nights are the worst, I just end up crying heaps.
I really don't know how to cope with not getting to talk to him, I don't know how any of you can do it.
He's supposed to be coming here in a few months but we haven't been able to talk about any of it, so I can't even focus on that, I dunno what's going on with his passport or his sons.
Sorry for the rant, just feeling lonely tonight, just wanted somebody to talk to and feel like you girls and guys are the only ones that understand. I've tried talking to my mum but she's busy and doesn't really understand.
What do you guys do to try and get through periods where you can't talk?
I'm really struggling but I can't do anything about it, which is hard for somebody like me, I can be a bit of a control freak because that's how I deal with my anxiety.
So now I'm lonely as anything living on my own, nights are the worst, I just end up crying heaps.
I really don't know how to cope with not getting to talk to him, I don't know how any of you can do it.
He's supposed to be coming here in a few months but we haven't been able to talk about any of it, so I can't even focus on that, I dunno what's going on with his passport or his sons.
Sorry for the rant, just feeling lonely tonight, just wanted somebody to talk to and feel like you girls and guys are the only ones that understand. I've tried talking to my mum but she's busy and doesn't really understand.
What do you guys do to try and get through periods where you can't talk?