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Over sensitive

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    Over sensitive

    So I suppose this isn't so much a LDR problem is it simply a relationship problem in general but hopefully some of ya'll can giveme your opinions anyway.To put it quite simply, I know that in certain areas I can be very emotionally sensitive, probably way more than I should be.

    Just the other night my boyfriend made an off hand comment that for most people they probably would have just brushed it off but I became quite upset over it. He knows my moods pretty well by now, I know he felt bad and he apologized for it. And since I forgave him and we moved on, that should be it, right? It wasn't even that big of a deal, and it really bothers me that I'm still acting so butthurt over it. Becaus he apologized and we put it behind us I can't exactly bring it up again since that would be unfair and make me look like a prick. And to be honest, it's moe the fact that this is still upsetting me that has me so bothered, not the fact that I'm upset in the first place. As I said, it was a minor, off hand and joking comment that I took way too seriously, so why can I simply give it a rest already?

    I have that problem too, it's really irritating. I haven't yet found a solution other than bringing it up again and hashing at it until it's all gone though.

    Maybe write a journal entry, and ask yourself why it's such a big deal?
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      I think it's just a natural girl thing to do...I'm pretty over sensitive too, even though I act all tough and pretend I'm not one of those "girls". To help me I honestly bring it up if it keeps upsetting me and getting under my skin. My boyfriend understands and takes a while to fully get through the "I was completely kidding, I'm sorry, I won't joke like that again" to make me feel good enough to move on.
      In all fairness we do this to guys to everyone and a while and we have to own up to it.
      Best of luck...let the small stuff roll off and keep looking at the big picture


        I'm the same but only with my SO, everybody else can get away with things my SO can't. Drives us both nuts, but the only way to deal with it is to hash it out. otherwise you end up over thinking it and making it a bigger deal.
        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

