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    I think it's normal, but as long as you don't let it control your night/day. You have to be able to just try and get through, even though it's hard and you really want to talk to them. Trust me, I know the feeling...though I'm learning to accept the fact that he's busy and I don't let it ruin my day. It's completely okay to miss your SO.

    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


      It's completely normal to want to talk to your SO. That's what they're there for, isn't it? I've been kind of whiny with my boyfriend lately because he's been working a lot and I haven't gotten to talk to him as much as we're used to. But having read some of the stories of other people on here, I see that I really am lucky. There are people on here who get to speak to their SO once a week or less, and here I am complaining about only getting a little time before bed each night. This just highlights the individuality of each relationship. What's normal for one couple might be clingy or distant for another. Whatever works for you, works for you. If you need your SO and feel the urge to talk to him more often than others, then it's totally normal. Unless you're getting into creepy stalker/obsessive territory, which might be a problem ;-)


        If you're clingy, then I am a total octopus. I just had an argument with my SO because of the undeniable fact that every time he decides he has to or wants to leave Skype to do something else, I don't like it and I don't make it easy for him to leave. I totally take fault for it, but I haven't figured out what will make it better. For me, skype with my SO is my lifeline to the familiar. Being in Korea, everything is so different, and even my best friends here are brand new. I feel so selfish for never wanting my SO to leave and I'm glad that this post is out there to help people identify the true reasons for their "clinginess". I think it all just stems from missing that person.
        Sarang Hae <3


        "I never had a dream come true, 'til the day that I found you."


          I think it's normal.

          My SO and I hardly get to talk anymore, so I think it's perfectly normal that I would like to talk to her more often.


            I agree with LadyMarchHare.
            It always makes me feel clingy but I have a mild fear of being clingy.
            I'm definitely feeling this way at the moment, I've been home for nearly a month and we haven't had an opportunity to have a proper talk, I'm lucky if we get to talk for 20 minutes every few days, it's driving me absolutely insane and feeling completely and utterly clingy.
            Money Savers a LFAD group for people to share money saving ideas, tips, links, etc.


              might be a little bit, i do feel that way all the time but its only because i miss her like hell!


                My SO totally gets annoyed whenever I take things as BIG deal. He thinks I'm too emotional and clingy that there are times he doesn't want to talk to me anymore. If he only knew how much I miss him, he'll understand. *sigh*


                  I don't think it's clingy.... I think it's just a natural thing. i've gotten used to my "bedtime tuck in" with my BF and if I miss him talking to me at bedtime when I'm home alone I am sad...and miss him.... clingy is what I do when I'm with him... when we are out I am stuck on his arm... my head on his shoulder... literally clinging to him... that is how I got my nickname (Critter)
                  We come to love not by finding a perfect person,
                  but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.


                    I think its clingy but whoever said clingy is a bad thing a shrine to them with a clock counting till they text you back is bad clingy (shuts the closet door) but some people love being clung to I think it'd be fun being warm fuzzy stuck to a shirt but hey just me xD

