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Show us your webcam pictures! :D.......

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    Show us your webcam pictures! :D.......

    Who else is guilty of taking lots and lots of pictures while talking to their SO over webcam?

    Post your pictures here if you feel like sharing some happiness/cuteness/whatever!

    ... and just because I thought it was utterly sweet:

    I only have, like, 3 but I'll share my favorite:

    He decided to put on his work uniform shirt and he was playing with the part you have to tie on the shirt and put it over his face like a superhero mask. He called himself Xtreme man, I called him the Durex XXL man. (durex is a brand of condoms) He totally hated that I figured out how to screen capture with skype.


      Love Skype screen shots LOL I always get busted because he can hear my mouse clicking but I've learned to cover that sound up hehe.. He has a metric ton of pics of me however O.o All of my pics are on my computer at home and I won't share them without bring him on this forum first.. but they are very sweet and they get me through the days when i really need to just see him. I love Skype!
      Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
      Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
      Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


      You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
      Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

      Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
      Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


        Ha, oh wow big pictures of myself xD

        I love taking screen shots we take so many all the time! I just can't help it.


          How do I post picture off of my computer that aren't a url address?




              Originally posted by nic&matt View Post
              How do I post picture off of my computer that aren't a url address?
              Upload them to something like or another similar website. I can't remember the names of the other ones.


                Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
                Upload them to something like or another similar website. I can't remember the names of the other ones.
                There's tinypic,, photobucket, flickr and a bunch of other sites. Some require you to sign up, others don't but places like imageshack which give the option of signing up only host the images x amount of months without an account before deleting them off their server.


                  I take pictures of my boyfriend on Skype all the time, and he pretends to hate it, but I think deep down he likes it ;-) When he has his sons, they LOVE talking to me on Skype and I'll sit there and take pictures of them while they ham it up for hours on end. Here's a picture of my boyfriend with his kids :-)

                  The video quality was bad that day, but it's still probably my favorite picture. If only I could've gotten Jason to smile too haha. Here's one of him before we went to bed one night. I LOVE when he smiles for me!


                    Here's one from the last date we had. We were both eating spaghetti in our bedrooms and this picture was HIS idea! It's silly, but kind of cute too.

                    This is my most recent screenshot, I took this last night, of his brother in law's new pug puppy! The other dog they have ignores me when I call him on skype because he thinks I'm the TV. But this puppy was very curious and extremely cute. (:


                      Originally posted by nic&matt View Post
                      How do I post picture off of my computer that aren't a url address?
                      You can upload them to one of your albums here on LFAD and use the URL from that picture to post! (:


                        awwws~! >w< so adorbadle!! I'll try to take a picture or two on our skype date this Thursday ^^ However...he doesn't like his picture being taken ^^;; and he wouldn't like, I don't think, if I shared it more ^^;


                          Lol i take pics all the time of my SO but with my phone. We'll be on webcam and hes so cute i just take out my phone and start taking pics, he pretends he doesnt like it but i know he does lol cause he will make faces or he will draw on the screen and so i get cute pics. He is so dang sexy, lol im a lucky girl that i get him all for me lolz
                          I love you Nathan <3
                          5/25/09 <3


                            His internet always sucked so bad that this was the most I ever got to see

                            Luckily for me, he's in 3D now!!!! hehe



                              He likes to do stupid things and try to make me laugh whenever we're running out of topics to talk about. And it usually works

