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    Quick update

    So I am not exactly a stranger here, I do still post and all, but I just wanted to let y'all know what was going on in my life and in my relationship. ^^

    As you can see in my sig I have $393 saved up. I probably won't have it to $400 by tomorrow as I'm going to see Alice in Wonderland with a couple friends after work and I'm using the tip money I get at work for the ticket, but by the end of Thursday I'll have $400. And I've only been working three weeks!! You can also see on the counter that I'm getting closer to the time I get to meet Alex. We've worked out some details and, once I get the money for the ticket and get a confirmed time off, he's asking off for that week as well. He already told me he's taking me to dinner and a movie at some point while I'm up there. >w< I've never been on an actual date so I'm pretty excited.

    Also, the other night Alex wasn't that communicative and I was letting it go because I knew he'd had a rough day at work and then he apologized for being so silent and I told him it's no big deal, I know he didn't intend not to talk and he said, "i still like showing you i care, tho ^^;" and I told him it was no big deal and I understood he was talking to other people who were important to him as well and his response to that was, "nobody more important my sweet. if im teling you i love you it is because i feel you are most importaint" >w<

    That means SO much to me because I know exactly how he feels now. ^^ oh, and he's sending me a package soon. ;3 He told me he's getting it ready and probably next week he'll need my address so he can ship it. >w< And next week I may get to $500!! Right now tickets are on sale for around that price... so fingers crossed. ^^

    Thanks for all the support y'all have given me so far, guys. ^^

    You must be over the moon with happiness!!! So happy for you. You better post pictures of your trip!


      Where do you have to go to see him?! It sounds like you are right on track! How exciting!! I hope you get your package fun!!


        congrats! i am so happy for you




            Yay Yay Yay!
            That is a great news! So happy everything's going your way!


              That is so awesome. Its amazing to see you saving the money so quickly, you should be as proud of your self as you are excited for the visit. So happy for you. Looking forward to the update about how the trip goes already!


                Oh yay!! I'm so excited for you!

